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  1. Bradylama

    So what do people think of the characters?

    You're confusing class interests with national interests on the corporation issue. Corporations being instruments of national interests only further proves why they won't be interested in taking everything for themselves. Their livelihoods depend on the patronage network and we're talking about...
  2. Bradylama

    Notes on Fallout TV (Return to the Nolanverse complete, Review notes complete)

    It's occurring to me suddenly that the Enclave research facility is probably in the Big Empty. The facility itself was inside of a big dome, and the Big Empty is approximately south of The Divide, so it's roughly between Griffith Observatory and Vegas. Hank is probably looking for clues that...
  3. Bradylama

    Notes on Fallout TV (Return to the Nolanverse complete, Review notes complete)

    In Canticles the world gets nuked again because the old world was reconstructed by new modern nation-states. In Fallout TV the world gets nuked again by the world's most divorced dad. Please stop bringing up irrelevant stuff like it means something.
  4. Bradylama

    So what do people think of the characters?

    The neoliberal project is not about "exterminating" other powers but incorporating them into the franchise of the international bourgeois, so their markets can be open to exploitation by your own national bourgeois. It's losing capitalism to engage in self-destructive imperial contests where you...
  5. Bradylama

    So what do people think of the characters?

    I've gone over the conspiracy line by line and they "literally" don't say anything about profit. "Profit" or "Profits" doesn't come up a single time. House says he wants to know how they're going to get results on investing in a hypothetical, but again that's not a profit motive. Barb says that...
  6. Bradylama

    Notes on Fallout TV (Return to the Nolanverse complete, Review notes complete)

    Getting started by doing some barebones profiles of the show's creative troika. Notes on Nolan & showrunners: The most infuriating thing is how much they talk about wanting to "respect" the games and make them all fit, and that they want to tell a new story without retreading old ground...
  7. Bradylama

    My first post since 2018 and the fallout tv series

    It's a Grognard joke. The Campaign for North Africa is infamous for being too complex to actually play. A full campaign is estimated to take 1500 hours.
  8. Bradylama

    Notes on Fallout TV (Return to the Nolanverse complete, Review notes complete)

    Ah, the Zetans, of course. It all makes sense now. The Zetans zapped the Vault-Tec boardroom with a stupid ray.
  9. Bradylama

    My first post since 2018 and the fallout tv series

    Disco Elysium doesn't do that, but I've got just the game for you:
  10. Bradylama

    Notes on Fallout TV (Return to the Nolanverse complete, Review notes complete)

    They could have easily done something CCP-compliant that wouldn't have retcon'd the games, since "america bad" is a big theme of Fallout and China is just a foil for starting the Great War anyway. They even mention deployments to the "Far East" in the newspaper Cooper was reading, which can only...
  11. Bradylama

    My first post since 2018 and the fallout tv series

    I can tell you didn't play the game.
  12. Bradylama

    Notes on Fallout TV (Return to the Nolanverse complete, Review notes complete)

    Simply put, the show is so afraid of depicting the Resource Wars as they actually happened that Chinese people don't even exist at all within the world of the show. The intro paints a picture of America being at war with its "adversaries" rather than the one adversary we fought an actual war...
  13. Bradylama

    My first post since 2018 and the fallout tv series

    Solzhenitsyn was also an antisemite and a fantasist who endorsed the kind of politics that resulted in the Ukraine War. Our opinions don't matter because capitalism necessitates imperial competition between national bourgeois. That drive for competition was temporarily suppressed by the obviated...
  14. Bradylama

    Notes on Fallout TV (Return to the Nolanverse complete, Review notes complete)

    Sprained my foot on the job, which means I'm looking at a long weekend. Might as well get started on the Nolanverse Review Redux.
  15. Bradylama

    My first post since 2018 and the fallout tv series

    Thank your dad for stopping the beatings.
  16. Bradylama

    So what do people think of the characters?

    I wouldn't be thinking about this at all if it weren't for arguing with strangers and realizing that they all accept as given everything the show presents to them. Like the idea that the Vault-Tec conspiracy was about profits even though none of the conspirators express any anxiety about their...
  17. Bradylama

    My first post since 2018 and the fallout tv series

    The Black Book of Communism also ranks Nazi camp guards as "victims." Practically speaking it's counting every fatality that happened as a result of communism's mere existence rather than who was shooting whom and why, and extrapolating numbers based on bad data to jack up the numbers as high as...
  18. Bradylama

    So what do people think of the characters?

    IMO the writers not understanding politics, history, or philosophy is what makes it so fascinating in the first place, and why I feel compelled to write a thesis on it. They made a show where liberal eugenicists are the bad guys, but also ghouls are a race of zombies now and 2 months of ghoul...
  19. Bradylama

    My first post since 2018 and the fallout tv series

    Liberals have had a 400 year run of slavery and genocide, but ok. I recommend Losurdo.
  20. Bradylama

    So what do people think of the characters?

    I just can't stand it when people make shit up about history just for the sheer sophistry of it. Reality is not a canvas for your fanon.