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  1. Bradylama

    So what do people think of the characters?

    No they're not pretending or cosplaying, the President of the Enclave and the President of the United States are literally the same office. There's a direct line of descent from pre-war presidents to Dick Richardson and John Henry Eden. I don't even know what to think with you, you throw out...
  2. Bradylama

    My first post since 2018 and the fallout tv series

    Bro, the developers are all Marxists. The game is a Marxist critique of the neoliberal world system we live under RIGHT NOW. You'd know that if you knew anything about Marxism, which I don't blame you for since earlier you said you're an anarchist.
  3. Bradylama

    So what do people think of the characters?

    The Enclave are nothing like tribals, that's part of why they're so racist in the first place. They got to maintain their bourgeois lifestyles on a seasteaded oil rig. In a cultural sense they're the most civilized people in the world. You really don't understand the Enclave at all. I'm not...
  4. Bradylama

    My first post since 2018 and the fallout tv series

    There are no "factions" in Disco Elysium, only people and their ideologies, historiographies, sociologies, and etc. The politics don't play out as if there is some extant opposition, people hold on to their ideologies as a coping mechanism for living in the wake of Communism's failure and the...
  5. Bradylama

    So what do people think of the characters?

    Fallout 1 is more nuanced than that. The Master's ideology is fundamentally fascist, not Nazi. The ultimate goal of Fascism is to seek national superiority so you can transform the world along the national idea. Italian fascists expressed this through the notion that they would turn Libyans and...
  6. Bradylama

    So what do people think of the characters?

    It's not any more "Saturday Morning Cartoon" than the Nazis themselves, which is the point.
  7. Bradylama

    So what do people think of the characters?

    Yeah that's an excellent point. There's nothing actually stopping the Enclave from inserting themselves as financiers and re-forming a new Enclave to control the NCR. Nothing except their herrenvolk ideology. In the show Vault-Tec thinks common people are literally too stupid to survive, which...
  8. Bradylama

    My first post since 2018 and the fallout tv series

    You know how Disco Elysium makes fun of you for being a fence-sitting centrist and despises liberal moralism for being a status quo ideology of control? Fallout TV is the kind of programming Moralists would write. Its anti-politics are eminently political, and a lack of ideology is itself...
  9. Bradylama

    So what do people think of the characters?

    They literally do view vault-dwellers as more human than anyone else. Vault-13 was rounded up because they needed baseline human subjects to specially target the FEV strain to kill only mutants, not understanding that Enclave members were already slightly mutated. So by their own logic the vault...
  10. Bradylama

    My first post since 2018 and the fallout tv series

    Who cares? That doesn't matter. Bringing up Van Buren and Chris Avellone is irrelevant. None of it changes how fucking stupid it was to nuke Shady Sands and then act like the NCR and the original games never happened.
  11. Bradylama

    So what do people think of the characters?

    Replicator technology wouldn't have saved America because it still requires energy to convert into matter. That's ultimately another demand on uranium, plutonium, & etc. They were coming up with all sorts of applications for fusion technology, but weren't as interested in focusing on how to...
  12. Bradylama

    My first post since 2018 and the fallout tv series

    You'd understand if you watched the show.
  13. Bradylama

    My first post since 2018 and the fallout tv series

    I think Johnathan Nolan had an elaborate incest fantasy ready to go, and he just slotted it right into Fallout, which is why the Triune vault plot is the only one that works. It's the only plotline with any thought put into it. They blew up the NCR so you could think about Ella Purnell molesting...
  14. Bradylama

    So what do people think of the characters?

    I'm admittedly cheating and pulling this from the Fallout Wiki's page on nuclear fusion, but the United States DID have some industrial-scale commercial fusion reactors. None of those are working anymore, obviously, which is why it was so important for the Institute to get theirs up and running...
  15. Bradylama

    My review of Fallout: the Series Season One 9/10

    Speaking of walkable distances, it's very funny that Kyle McLachlan walked all the way from Griffith observatory to New Vegas in a power armor suit that smelled like a dead guy.
  16. Bradylama

    So what do people think of the characters?

    You're majorly wrong on a few points: 1. Nuclear energy isn't cheap to the point of being limitless. The show even acknowledges that the transition to a nuke-based energy culture is causing shortages of uranium. Even with fusion reactions being ubiquitous, America's rate of material consumption...
  17. Bradylama

    So what do people think of the characters?

    Ultimately the biggest problem with the cold fusion core is that for there to be any future for Fallout as a franchise it has to be destroyed. Otherwise cheap-as-free energy practically fixes anything, and robots performing automatic functions fueled endlessly by cold fusion would clean up the...
  18. Bradylama

    So what do people think of the characters?

    Dude the point is that they have TRAINED HOUNDS that could track down Wilzig anywhere. We also see that the Enclave has guards with standardized uniforms, and fresh ones, which means that they have significant manufacturing capability. There was no reason whatsoever for the Enclave to announce...
  19. Bradylama

    Five Common Misconceptions about Fallout: The Series

    You're right, but I'll also point out that the NCR troopers were the first to go and didn't see it coming.
  20. Bradylama

    Five Common Misconceptions about Fallout: The Series

    Look, even when we're trying to talk about the TV show all we can talk about is New Vegas. That's how devoid of substance the show is.