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    Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.46 Bug Reports and Suggestions - Closed

    Hello It's been quite a few months before last time i finished playing Fallout 2. Obviously its time to play it again! I have completed restoration project last time, now it's time for Megamod ;) I Decided to pick up your mod and do total playthrough. This post will be edited as i report my...
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    Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

    I'm missing custom NPCs in my playthrough. I Can't find anywhere the Habbit women that gives you Leather Armor and a Shotgun to kill Raiders, i'm also missing Boneyard Library NPC's that are related to the spy quest. I remember both of them being recovered in the Wasteland Ghost's mod but they...
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    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.2 - OPEN BETA (ie NOT FINAL)

    Lenny is missing from its usual place. Looks like quite a bug i found here. Edit: Oops looks like our version indeed are difrent, well messaged Killap about it. (Private beta, new look installed)
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    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.1.2b (Unofficial Expansion)

    Beta Progress so far, i`m in Klamath now: #1 Happened once: 1. I`m taking stuff from Hakunin Chest 2. He starts combat and run away from tent 3. I`m ending combat, then taking stuff from chest 4. Everybody is happy, like nothing happened. No one is attacking me. Cannot reproduce...
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    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.1.2b (Unofficial Expansion)

    We will wait as always without bitching. Fan works has its own rights heck Professionals do it the same style when they are on professional level (hello blizzard and their work motto: "it will be done when it will be done") Edit: I love this spellcheck, wish you guys made an option for gramma...
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    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.1.2b (Unofficial Expansion)

    I`m playing in 2.1.2b, with a peacefull do everything type game play. Bugs i spotted so far: 1. In Arroyo hunters Area some flowers appears under the stones and other thinks that makes them unreachable. I can still see them thanks to using shift but dont know any way to gather them. 2. In...