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  1. Akratus

    Tumblr users drive girl to suicide attempt So yeah it seems to me like no matter what ideology one aspires to, there's always going to be terrible people. There really is no solution for shitty behavior I think, though I can reiterate what I think is a need for most people...
  2. Akratus

    Canceled Darth Maul game might come back

    If it's anything like the Force Unleashed 1, it'll be fun.
  3. Akratus

    Is the US a shitty place to live?

    I guess I'll post this here:
  4. Akratus

    Do you find it hard to be social?

    I went to the dutch gamergate meetup and I was the only one who made the whole room laugh. And I did it multiple times! Among normies, I am awkward. BUT IN THIS WORLD I AM GOD. BOW TO ME NERDS! BOWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!
  5. Akratus

    Do you think a societal collapse is inevitable?

    How would it be difficult to avoid it? Do you not consider the thousands of years of slow, stumbling but steady progress of mankind to be the decider of our future course? Because that's how I feel about it. Only by accident could this happen in my opinion, as in, an accidental nuclear blast or...
  6. Akratus

    Twelve not allowed angry mutants

    Jesus christ man, someone ban DarkCorp already.
  7. Akratus

    How would you foresee a modern apocalypse?

    A star exploding juuuuust close enough.
  8. Akratus

    The Age of Decadence sells ten thousand copies in the first week

    Hearty congratulations to Mr. Vince D. Weller on his quest to retreive the ultimate rpg for his underground company.
  9. Akratus

    Generic Birthday thread (they ALL go in here)

    What do you think of my gift? I haven't played it but I hear it's amazing. (I bought tDG Underrail on steam.)
  10. Akratus

    Best Web Browser

    Yeah I tried switching to Firefox once before and it made this screen glitch reapear for me. Hard to explain but, I may try again.
  11. Akratus

    Best Web Browser

    Is there a browser, faster than chrome or with less memory usage at least, that can block ads/tracking as well as this one?