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  1. Akratus


    Do you know anyone who does? I do but he won't explain it to me. Something about sex jokes he said.
  2. Akratus


    This is probably funny. I wouldn't know, I don't know romanian.
  3. Akratus

    Feminism and why it's bad.

    I don't care about the examples I posited. There's plenty. Look up FIRE. Should I really be the one to educate you about your oposition? You didn't even fully reply to my previous posts. Okay, here's what I'm gonna do:
  4. Akratus

    Feminism and why it's bad. Thankfully the court sided with him. But it's sad he had to go to court at all...
  5. Akratus

    Feminism and why it's bad.

    Perhaps not so orwellian, no, but that and all the other things you posited aren't things I said were happening, but still: Accusations are a powerful weapon in science though...
  6. Akratus

    Feminism and why it's bad.

    "Paranoia", yeah. . . sure. . .
  7. Akratus


  8. Akratus


    I saw a documentary on the deep web and the Silk Road, narrated by Keanu Reeves. I really recommend it.
  9. Akratus

    Feminism and why it's bad. Мы можем сделать это!
  10. Akratus

    Feminism and why it's bad.

    In your heart you know my words to be true. Perhaps instead of political clucking, you could. . take up woodcrafting, paint something, do your homework, start a journal, or do chores around the house. Just a couple suggestions.
  11. Akratus

    Feminism and why it's bad.

    John green LIED TO ME!
  12. Akratus

    Feminism and why it's bad.

    I haven't researched it, but apparently in mid 2009 more women held paying jobs than men, in america. Also fuck me, I'm coining a new term: Americentrism. Of course if you want to prove something is systematically shit you do it in america. Duh doy. Also Sander,
  13. Akratus

    Feminism and why it's bad.

    The problem, Sn1p3r187, is that from the feminist perspective, that amount of women not in well paying jobs is evidence of a sexist system. The problem isn't how our system works, it's that there is an imbalance in our system at all. It's not so much a difference in fact as it is a difference of...
  14. Akratus

    Feminism and why it's bad.

    Aaaand banned in 3. . 2. . .1.
  15. Akratus

    Feminism and why it's bad.

    A genuinely interesting article to read: Well I dunno . .