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  1. wanamingo89790

    better with each other than the real dogs and cats

    better with each other than the real dogs and cats
  2. wanamingo89790

    bestiality is legal in my country

    bestiality is legal in my country
  3. wanamingo89790

    Is fallout dry?

    yeah like some kinda organized modding canon, i think they're already doing that with new california-new vegas-the frontier but the lore in new california was a bit wack and i can imagine the same with the frontier (great fucking mods tho). Right now, all I can imagine in that canon would be...
  4. wanamingo89790

    Is fallout dry?

    my expectation: it will be at least 10 years until another fallout, if there is one it will probably be the last bethesda one. After which they're either gonna leave it dead or years later, sell the rights.
  5. wanamingo89790

    Is fallout dry?

    Yeah, its all one constant cycle. Someone makes one thing thats influenced by another thing which then influences another thing and so on. Maybe the outer worlds will be fallouts "successor" as far as things go.
  6. wanamingo89790

    Is fallout dry?

    Like which ones?
  7. wanamingo89790

    Is fallout dry?

    Now this isn't about if 4 & 76 signal the decline of fallout or not. The real question is whether or not fallout is actually redeemable at all at this point, no matter who is taking up the cause. Everyone hates sequels. Actually, that's not true. There is a general bias against sequels because...
  8. wanamingo89790

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Tip, don't get odyssey, the one redeeming factor of all assasins creed games up until odyssey and origins is the amazing combat. Odysseys combat is average honestly and most of the "choice" in the narrative is superficial. While the narrative in general seems really interesting at the beginning...
  9. wanamingo89790

    Legion Territory Speculation

    oh man, if you saw all the .esps and word docs in my recycling bin
  10. wanamingo89790

    Legion Territory Speculation

    Agreed, compared to anyone in the NCR Caesar is miles ahead in brain power. One of my favourite parts of new vegas was dialogue with Caesar. To me the ncr is just boring and the fact that their society is slowly breaking down makes fighting for them feel like fighting for a lost cause. I would...
  11. wanamingo89790

    Legion Territory Speculation

    this is honestly what makes new vegas so good, the lore fits so well together you could talk about this stuff for hours and at no point mention the fact that its all in a fictional world. Even if there are some parts of the factions that seem illogical they can just be explained away as the...
  12. wanamingo89790

    Legion Territory Speculation

    huh? Legion fan? You gotta make that clearer next time
  13. wanamingo89790

    Legion Territory Speculation

    Its kinda like Japan when they first realized isolationism isn't a viable way to not get bulldozed over by the west. They started revitalizing their old warrior culture and decided to create an emperor. But instead of making that Emperor a benevolent ruler with restraint, fuck it lets just make...
  14. wanamingo89790

    Legion Territory Speculation

    Once the generation who were raised as tribals dies off the legion is gonna be far more cohesive, but when Caesar dies a whole bunch of the population is still not 100% assimilated. Its that interim period between when Caesar dies off and when the first generation of legion citizens dies off...
  15. wanamingo89790

    Legion Territory Speculation

    To me Caesar is less Caesar and more Stalin. They both share the trait of being propeganda infused gods. Sure, The Legions complex like any nation, but before Caesar dies he still has the ability, through force of personality, to hold the legion together almost singlehandedly.