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  1. Supermarauder

    If I had to rank them all though it would probably be. New Vegas, Fallout 1, Fallout 2, 3 then 4.

    If I had to rank them all though it would probably be. New Vegas, Fallout 1, Fallout 2, 3 then 4.
  2. Supermarauder

    Just beat Fallout 2. Now I've completed Fallout 1, 2, New Vegas, and "3" and "4".

    Just beat Fallout 2. Now I've completed Fallout 1, 2, New Vegas, and "3" and "4".
  3. Supermarauder

    Almost to the finale of Fallout 2. I think.

    Almost to the finale of Fallout 2. I think.
  4. Supermarauder

    @Richwizard Yeah I really do like F2, but it really frustrates me to see what could've been if...

    @Richwizard Yeah I really do like F2, but it really frustrates me to see what could've been if they had more dev time.
  5. Supermarauder

    @Richwizard thanks for info. The fact that there are less talking heads is an off putting thing.

    @Richwizard thanks for info. The fact that there are less talking heads is an off putting thing.
  6. Supermarauder

    It's a crime that Goris doesn't have a talking head in Fallout 2. What the heck.

    It's a crime that Goris doesn't have a talking head in Fallout 2. What the heck.
  7. Supermarauder

    I like Old Blood, TNO was great, and TNC was ok overall but wow it is really apparent that...

    I like Old Blood, TNO was great, and TNC was ok overall but wow it is really apparent that machine games didn't want to make that title.
  8. Supermarauder

    its awful

    its awful
  9. Supermarauder

    Thats gonna end in a very large lawsuit.

    Thats gonna end in a very large lawsuit.
  10. Supermarauder

    That's awesome!! I'm sure you'll be able to further climb the ranks!

    That's awesome!! I'm sure you'll be able to further climb the ranks!
  11. Supermarauder

    Yeah, ImJayStation makes me wanna carve my eyes out whenever i see his videos.

    Yeah, ImJayStation makes me wanna carve my eyes out whenever i see his videos.
  12. Supermarauder

    @TorontRayne Art Design wise I think its more in alignment with the original games then the 2016...

    @TorontRayne Art Design wise I think its more in alignment with the original games then the 2016 game was. They tried convincing us that the giant moose looking demon was the cyber demon and now here they are with a more faithful design to the original. Same with mancubus and the fallen soldiers.
  13. Supermarauder

    @TorontRayne Why's that?

    @TorontRayne Why's that?
  14. Supermarauder

    Man DOOM Eternal looks great. Can't wait.

    Man DOOM Eternal looks great. Can't wait.
  15. Supermarauder

    BRO I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU RUINED THE MOVIE FOR ME. REEEEE iurhfsjoivehjdughevigklzgref kjkfjl,

    BRO I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU RUINED THE MOVIE FOR ME. REEEEE iurhfsjoivehjdughevigklzgref kjkfjl,
  16. Supermarauder

    @Alphons i kinda want that to actually happen. @TorontRayne I can agree with that, some people...

    @Alphons i kinda want that to actually happen. @TorontRayne I can agree with that, some people act like all the films are perfect or whatever but nah some of them are really, really bad (Incredible Hulk). But most are alright to good.
  17. Supermarauder

    The wait for Avengers 4 is kinda aggravating. I wanna see it NOW.

    The wait for Avengers 4 is kinda aggravating. I wanna see it NOW.
  18. Supermarauder

    This is something I ask myself everyday. I dunno man. But it keeps me up at night.

    This is something I ask myself everyday. I dunno man. But it keeps me up at night.
  19. Supermarauder


  20. Supermarauder

    @AureliusofPhoenix i think that you still being very upset is perfectly normal then. I'm sure it...

    @AureliusofPhoenix i think that you still being very upset is perfectly normal then. I'm sure it will pass sooner or later.