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    Fallout 2 mod Fallout et tu - Release v1.11

    I took his job offer but went to the sheriff and turned him in.
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    Fallout 2 mod Fallout et tu - Release v1.11

    The deathclaw one will have to wait since I dont have a save there. The Hub ending one I can provide a save. The problem is that it plays the mutant invasion ending despite the Hub not having been invaded.
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    Fallout 2 mod Fallout et tu - Release v1.11

    Just finished a playthrough of this. Definitely a fun way to play Fallout 1. The new content fits very nicely. A few notes I have from my experience. 1. I almost gave up trying to get this to work until I accidentally found a video explaining that it wont work in Program Files. This should be...
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    Looking for an old animation.

    Awesome! Thanks.
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    Looking for an old animation.

    I have now. It doesnt seem to be in there.
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    Looking for an old animation.

    There was a sledgehammer throwing animation some years back. Dude101 posted it for me back then but the link is long dead. Does anyone still have it?
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    Fallout 2 mod Better Miria mod as RPU patch

    Sorry I downloaded it a while ago but I think I got mine from the nexus.
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    Fallout 2 mod Better Miria mod as RPU patch

    Use the UP instead.The RPU is dead. The UP has its own Miria mod that works.
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    Fallout 2 mod Alternate Weapon Firing Mode

    I vote the narrow one. It's more realistic.
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    Fallout 2 mod Fallout 2 edited enemies.

    I'm using the UP and I modified some enemies in the critter editor, but everytime I move the cursor over one in game it crashes. Is the a setting I need to adjust to have it recognize outside files or should I just delete them and just deal it as it is?
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    Fallout 2 mod Alternate Weapon Firing Mode

    That's nuts. Reminds me of The Last Crusade.
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    PC Appearance Mod

    I started one, but all I got done was about half the tribal animations and a couple of the boxing ones. (Though he does have gloves now.)
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    Fallout 2 mod RPU - Talking Heads Addon

    Just played through this again, this mod makes it so much fun. I was a little disappointed that Mason didn't have his signature mirrored shades though. One character I'd like to see done is private Dobbs, this would 100% complete the Sierra Army Depot. Also the companion backgrounds seem to be...
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    My small contribution to the community

    So how did you do it? It looks like I'll have to take and rename all the redheaded hero frms and then add them to the critters list before the npc armor mod will recognize them.
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    My small contribution to the community

    I want to make Miria use the female redhead hero appearance, but I need to add her to the critters list first I think. But the UP doesn't seem to keep her individual frms does that matter? Or will I need to add them. Also what is the name of them?
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    Fallout 2 mod New Fallout2MechanicsMiniRework version

    Thanks guys I'll give this a try right away.
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    Fallout 2 mod New Fallout2MechanicsMiniRework version

    Great stuff, can't wait to play again with this. You asked for suggestions so I came up with a few. More of a quality of life thing then a tweak but Stealth Boys should automatically make you enter sneak mode when activated. In all the Fallouts after this one successful attacks while...
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    My small contribution to the community

    This is a small modification to the npcarmor.ini that allows Lenny to change his appearance when wearing any robes or power armor. I added Davin too but I haven't tested him, he should change his appearance for every armor to the corresponding male hero. Just drop this file in the mods folder...
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    Fallout 2 mod RPU - Talking Heads Addon

    I think your models are better than the original ones. This is already an essential mod. Hopefully the other modders here can help you get the backgrounds and maybe even the armor working.
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    Fallout 2 mod How to make Dialogue Background change for Companions

    Don't know if this is of any use, but with your mod the companions change background on the Raiders map. It's isn't the correct one though.