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  1. M

    what to do now that i have beat fallout new vegas on 360

    That's where you messed up in that statement - you know nothing about me.
  2. M

    what to do now that i have beat fallout new vegas on 360

    I don't think it's possible to play a "pacifist" game in either Fallout 3 or New Vegas. For starters, and as far as I know, you'll have to kill the final boss - you cannot advance to the ending otherwise. Many of the quests also require you to kill someone/something, and many of the quests that...
  3. M

    funniest moments from fallout games

    Wasn't that at that special encounter with the Maltese Falcon?
  4. M

    Fallout 1+2+Tactics boxes/goodies/manuals/etc

    Here's a pic I had recently taken. The bottom middle one is Warcraft 3. The one on the left in this pic is Starcraft 2. And here is The Witcher 2.
  5. M

    Fallout 1+2+Tactics boxes/goodies/manuals/etc

    They were opened and used. I neglected to look at Ebay to see what they were worth, because I knew they were worth something and I wasn't really all that interested to see how much money I had lost when these got wet. But, I looked, and yeah, it sucks.
  6. M

    Arcanum - I think I'm doing something wrong!

    This is going to sound really stupid, but I installed Arcanum and started playing it again. I, for the life of me, can't figure out why I am unable to loot the chest just west of the crash site at the start of the game, or the pile of junk in the cave to the east. This is as far as I've got in...
  7. M

    How do YOU create a character?

    I'm of the mind that Sneak is, altogether, the most important skill in F3/NV (followed shortly by lockpick, speech and repair). I would not play a game without it. :) Plus, I like that opener crit. I suppose this is the reason why luck is not very important to me (minus requirements for certain...
  8. M

    How do YOU create a character?

    It really depends on the character I want to play, but most of the time, I usually choose gifted (if we're talking F1/2); low str/end, mid perception/luck, high charisma/int/agi. In F3/NV, I do max intelligence/charisma, and then whatever else I think I need (int/cha is usually enough for me)...
  9. M

    Imagine : Being able to create your own companion?

    Well, if it were possible, I would probably go the route of a specialist in non-combat skills, and then have my created companion be the muscle. Buuut, since I never play with companions in any of the games, it's kind of a non-issue. It would, however, be much more useful in Fallout 1/2 than...
  10. M

    funniest moments from fallout games

    Lot of good memories in here! Personally, I've always liked; [spoiler:8500754066]1. Talking smack to the Enclave guard in Gecko. 2. Listening to Myron tell his story about Jet and getting irritated at someone else being smarter than him. This conversation was always one of my favorites...
  11. M

    Fallout 1+2+Tactics boxes/goodies/manuals/etc

    My house, technically, wasn't on the flood plain when I purchased it, and while flood insurance was something that was required in the past, it wasn't when I got the house (some sort of state law I guess). At any rate, I don't have flood insurance, and all I can really rely on was what I got...
  12. M

    Fallout 1+2+Tactics boxes/goodies/manuals/etc

    Additionally, I'm also looking to replace games like Planescape Torment, Baldur's Gate (BG1, TotSC, BG2CE, ToB) and Icewind Dale 1&2. I've recently ordered Arcanum from Amazon that looked like a legit replacement, but I haven't received it yet, so I'm not sure if it's what I want. Although, I...
  13. M

    Fallout 1+2+Tactics boxes/goodies/manuals/etc

    Ok, so my hometown recently flooded and about 80% of everything I own was destroyed. Technically, I should probably care more about my house being ruined, my furniture, tv, appliances and whatever... but I don't. I care more about the fact that I lost many valuable-to-me collector's items, like...
  14. M

    Classic Power Armor pictures

    Well, to be honest, I didn't know there was a T-51b power armor in Fallout 3 until Mikael posted that link. Apparently it's part of a long and arduous quest and is the only one of its type in the game. I just assumed the armor that you see all over the place was the new, and only, power armor. I...
  15. M

    Classic Power Armor pictures

    Yes, those are about the only pictures I thought I would find and none of them are as detailed as I would like them to be or large enough pictures. Thanks though. If there are any artists out there that are interested in drawing up some concept for this, pm me and let me know.
  16. M

    Classic Power Armor pictures

    Has anyone seen any good up-close pictures of the classic Power Armor from Fallout 1? I know there is a picture of the helmet on the box, but what I'm looking for is a full front and side image. I probably won't find a picture like that, so I'll add that if anyone can draw an exact replica of...
  17. M

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project Gameplay Thread

    Thanks for the help guys. :) I'll take another look around.
  18. M

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project Gameplay Thread

    I am having problems with the Torr quest. I get the quest to save the brahmin, I kill all the Radscorpions (and it says that I've killed them all), but every time I leave the area it says I have failed the quest. I don't remember having to do anything else other than that, but am I missing...