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  1. Verevoof

    Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

    :deal: I know my duty.
  2. Verevoof

    ☢ The NMA Atomik Movie Gang

    Do it! Do it now! I was very into silent movies in high school. Lon Chaney is a great actor (my favorite). He is known as The Man of a Thousand Faces because he did his own makeup and pioneered the art. Today, he is known for his horror films, but in reality he acted in mostly drama and that's...
  3. Verevoof

    ☢ The NMA Atomik Movie Gang

    I voted No out of principle. Huff. But I think this will do better over here. So in reality, Yes.
  4. Verevoof

    Is it really your birthday?

    Is it really your birthday?
  5. Verevoof

    Happy birthday! I hope you feel better.

    Happy birthday! I hope you feel better.
  6. Verevoof

    King Arthur is Gay

    How about just stop being a whore and fucking 50 different guys every weekend. You deserve disease if you can’t do that.
  7. Verevoof

    Official NMA General Shitposting Thread

    Grecian dickhead.
  8. Verevoof

    Some things never change.

    Some things never change.
  9. Verevoof

    Yes, but how can we make the ol switheroo last forever?

    Yes, but how can we make the ol switheroo last forever?
  10. Verevoof

    Official NMA General Shitposting Thread

    Toront, you have to remember that many Europeans believe governments have their best interest and trust the government as a parenting entity. And they, along with a lot of Americans, believe in the illusion of freedom and free will.
  11. Verevoof

    Unpopular Opinion and Discussion thread

    Onward to Beartaria.
  12. Verevoof

    Unpopular Opinion and Discussion thread

    Makes you wonder if what the news is saying is actually the reality of what is going on, yes?
  13. Verevoof

    Unpopular Opinion and Discussion thread

    They didn’t just disappear, like some crab rapture. They were over hunted. The population will recover.
  14. Verevoof

    Pumpkin Carving Contest-deadline 5th of Nov

    The original jack o lanterns were turnips.
  15. Verevoof

    Pumpkin Carving Contest-deadline 5th of Nov

    I am pumpkins. *not a harakiri post
  16. Verevoof


    If I was an admin your post count would have been reset at 49,999. IT'S NOT TOO LATE @Korin
  17. Verevoof

    Official NMA General Shitposting Thread

    Family court is disgusting and will pretty much always side with the woman. It needs to be reformed. But let’s be honest. This cunt isn’t attracting any decent men. I’m sure the father was just some dude who wanted to get off in a hole. Jesus Christ, and she had 7 children. These incidents...