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  1. McRae

    Hitler is a "pussy"

    Hey man, I'm just sharing the info. AFP is a respectable source of informations. So i guess they know what they're talking about.
  2. McRae

    Hitler is a "pussy"

    Be careful kids. Adolf may still have a house near your place. What? Yeah, sure, he'd be 120 years old, but it's still possible. :)
  3. McRae

    The "Bald Dude" Mod!

    It's gonna be the best mod... ever!
  4. McRae

    The end of the world has begun... I wish I could have seen it myself. Looks very spectacular. The first video reminded me of Necropolis.
  5. McRae

    Electricity in the Fallout world

    This game is a big joke.
  6. McRae

    Tool poster on Smitty's building

    What film is this? I'm sure I've never seen it otherwise I'd remember that poster. It's too small... I can't read what's written on it. I was hoping that someone here would recognize the picture? =>
  7. McRae

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    I'm really a kid when it comes to fireworks and big explosions : 9/10.
  8. McRae

    Book of Eli PA movie trailer

    I like the atmosphere of the trailer. But I got to agree on the nonsense of the fights. I think I'll go to the cinema for that one.
  9. McRae

    Mash? I've a question about your HR patch

    Yeah, you're right. I forgot the satisfaction. Unforgivable! :wink:
  10. McRae

    The Colony

    So, did anyone watch this show? Is it good, or do we have to face another piece of crap?
  11. McRae

    Mash? I've a question about your HR patch

    huh... actually, if you speak a bit French, it starts having some sense... brother soifran you pervert! :)
  12. McRae


    Just throwing some ideas :) : New Reno : The scene takes place in the Shark Club, at Bishop's level. You can see Bishop and his guards. There's a noise in the background (in one of the rooms, so we can't see what's happening)) : it's a squeaky box spring, suggesting that the Chosen One is...
  13. McRae

    Fallout 2 mod Unofficial MIB88 MegaMod Gameplay Help

    Hey MIB88, I was about to start a new game with the 2.34... and then I read that 2.35 is ready! Do you think it will be available this week? Or can I play 2.34 peacefully :) ?
  14. McRae

    One Trillion People?

    We're about to settle down on the moon. Soon, it will be Mars... Our planet starts to look like Trantor :) .
  15. McRae

    The "Bald Dude" Mod!

    Great news! Good luck with all the FRMs Mr.Wolna.
  16. McRae

    The "Bald Dude" Mod!

    Hey guys, I've finally discovered who is the bald dude : + =
  17. McRae

    NPC Armor

    Yeah, I remember your animation. And let me tel you I found it really sweet :) . I hope someone will find an answer to your question Josan. Anyway, I've something to suggest. Pardon me if it's stupid... I've never done this kind of thing before... For example, imagine a guy wearing a...
  18. McRae

    Request for FO2 modding.

    Maybe he's talking about MrFixit? :shrug:
  19. McRae

    NPC Armor

    I have a little question for you people. Will it be available for the chosen One to wear a power armor without the helmet? Or will it be only available for the NPCs like Cassidy? Playing helmetless would rock! Maybe we could even have a damage penalty while not wearing it? =>...