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  1. Atomic Postman

    Kinda glad I put off my fallout marathon another year, so many good mods have come out for NV in...

    Kinda glad I put off my fallout marathon another year, so many good mods have come out for NV in the past year.
  2. Atomic Postman

    What do you think life is like for ordinary Enclave citizens?

    Probably not dissimilar to those in the Brotherhood, in that they're not really citizens per say but members of a militaristic tribe. I imagine all members are cogs of the machine on the Oil Rig.
  3. Atomic Postman

    Why Robert Edwin House is the best hope for the wasteland and humanity

    I would argue that pound for pound House's Vegas is a better place to live than anarchy Vegas. Philosophically total freedom might have value but in practical material terms House provides a better option
  4. Atomic Postman

    Fallout: Van Buren Worldbook (FINISHED - Map and PDF inside)

    Basically make sure everyone has something to do, even if it's minor. I have a bartering system in my rulebook but due to the Iron Rivers being tribals they don't use currency so trade was very RP heavy and arbitrary.
  5. Atomic Postman

    Why Robert Edwin House is the best hope for the wasteland and humanity

    He's basically Wasteland Singapore but without the social regulations, and honestly I don't think that's a bad choice by any means.
  6. Atomic Postman

    Why Robert Edwin House is the best hope for the wasteland and humanity

    After years I've finally decided to carry the flag for House/Vegas. I think pound for pound House is the best trade-off in terms of the Vegas factions. NCR's victory would be tying it's own noose by emboldening it's terrible political direction and rewarding it's reckless expansion. An...
  7. Atomic Postman

    Fallout: Van Buren Worldbook (FINISHED - Map and PDF inside)

    Last session was a quick wrap up, they traded with the Iron Rivers and crafted basic items that would help them survive. They heard of the "Tar Walkers" tribe that has a village further along the highway as they left. So, they headed for Burham Springs
  8. Atomic Postman

    Philosophy Thread

    The same reason I don't talk about politics on here, except I got my fill from an undergrad degree and you couldn't pay me to have done a master's
  9. Atomic Postman

    Who is Muggy and why is everyone disgusted by him?

    The idea that you had to hold a trial vote to umm and urr over whether you'd ban some retard that shakes you up for money and posts pictures of his balls for everyone to see and didn't just do it says about everything there is to know about (the) discord.
  10. Atomic Postman

    It's equally valid to take Sawyers impression but equally it's also valid to think Yes Man might...

    It's equally valid to take Sawyers impression but equally it's also valid to think Yes Man might go rogue
  11. Atomic Postman

    I'm aware he's invoking death of the author, my point is that for years people have ended the...

    I'm aware he's invoking death of the author, my point is that for years people have ended the ambiguity of the situation with his thoughts on it and it's now that ambiguity is restored
  12. Atomic Postman

    Fallout 4 doesn't feel like New Vegas

    Funnily enough, what you want is basically exactly 76's CAMP system.
  13. Atomic Postman

    Things we learned from Fallout 4

    The only one IMO that felt a bit dicey was the NCR and Legion blocking you off for siding with House after the Omertas quest when really the only way to tell is the Courier entering and leaving the Lucky 38 on the regular, which they do in Wild Card also but it raises no such issue. It's also...
  14. Atomic Postman

    Which restores the ambiguity of the line

    Which restores the ambiguity of the line
  15. Atomic Postman

    Sawyer after NV said that all it meant was Yes Man would only take orders from the Courier, but...

    Sawyer after NV said that all it meant was Yes Man would only take orders from the Courier, but he later retracted that statement saying he shouldn't have spoke for the other writers and his word should not be taken as gospel at all
  16. Atomic Postman

    Yes Man has a rather ominous line in his ending where he refers to being more assertive and not...

    Yes Man has a rather ominous line in his ending where he refers to being more assertive and not being told what to do anymore. It's left vague as to what that means and considering he says he'll be offline for a time and the slides deal only with the immediate aftermath, it's a bit sinister
  17. Atomic Postman

    Things we learned from Fallout 4

    The only way I can see it doing that is that NV is much more restrictive when it comes to picking a faction. Past a certain point you have to lock in with one of them, barring Yes Man. Whereas 4 lets you flutter between all of them rather nebulously throughout most of the game. I only played 4...
  18. Atomic Postman

    Interesting tidbit: Sawyer retracted his statement about Yes Man's assertiveness at the end of...

    Interesting tidbit: Sawyer retracted his statement about Yes Man's assertiveness at the end of NV. Lot of people miss that.