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  1. D

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    Marek's avatar is visible only to the smart people. So it gets 9/10. Luke, though, gets only 5. Katakana isn't pretty. Besides, wtfdozzatmean?!
  2. D

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    3/10. For the Fallout 3 logo.
  3. D

    Abandoned Places

    LOL, calculon. There are interesting sites like that in the Czech Republic, too: the former military reservation at Ralsko is probably the most famous one. It was used by the occupating Soviet army from 1968 till 1990, then abandoned. It has ruined villages and castles and abandoned...
  4. D

    Fallout fan at the movies

    12 Monkeys, Seksmisja (a good Polish dystopic/PA comedy), Konec srpna v hotelu Ozón and possibly Waterworld (although it's rather sucque).
  5. D


    Yeah. It was supposed to be filmed in Namibia, but they cancelled it because of the Iraq war. ... Yes, that's the official explanation. :?
  6. D

    Your desktop image.

    Actually, Firefox-ko isn't really an OS-tan. n00b. :P
  7. D

    Your desktop image.

    Omg kawaii ^_______^ ror
  8. D

    Today in Romania

    That would have been the astronomer Tycho Brahe, at a dinner with Roman Emperor and Czech King Rudolf II. Or so the word goes. In reality, though, he probably died of mercury poisoning. :/
  9. D

    Discussing Beer

    Well, suit yourself - but it's the same thing as calling the Netherlands "Holland" or referring to the UK as "England", you know...
  10. D

    Discussing Beer

    Actually, the official long name of the country is "OMG TEH CZECHZ0R REPPUBLICQUECK!!!!1111111111111111111eleventyoneandabunchofampersands K LOL" Really though, all the country names that contain a common noun such as "Republic" or "Kingdom" or "Marshmallows" should be "the". And then some -...
  11. D

    Asian Tattoos: Princess or Prostitute?

    That¨s the way it works with any "place"-"exotic language that is teh kewl lol" pair. Here, I've seen pensioners wearing shirts that say "LIFE IS EASY" or "RUN JUST FOR FUN".
  12. D

    The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread

    Music by Chris Appelhans. (We know this guy.)
  13. D

    Vault of the Future closes

    Shut up, Dan. You're Tandi and that's it.
  14. D


    Is it just me, or does 'Texas' just sound too much like 'teen sex'?
  15. D

    The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread

    Onmyouza - Nemuri Japs are the master race. Master! Master.
  16. D

    Academy Awards Nominations

    The Czech film "Horem pádem" wasn't nominated for the foreign Oscar. That's good news. The film is shit.
  17. D


    Ashmo's rant is quite right. Unfortunately, I'd say. But then again, some things should never be too easy. By the way, I'd just like to add that "Sudetenland" never actually belonged to Germany (with the obvious exception of 1938-45).
  18. D

    Bush speaks the truth!

    We must offer every child in America... three... nukular... missiles. A masterpiece. (edit: fixed spelling)
  19. D

    Ouch, and I thought you guys were picky...

    This car will own you all and eat your babies.