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  1. R

    Fallout 3 Hands-Ons #3

    Separate console versions of popular PC games never count. No one ever mentions Doom releases for SEGA MD/Gen, SNES and GBA, or that Diablo port for Playstation, or those Soldier of Fortune and Mortal Combat versions for cellphones. I really don't see a good reason to see FOBOS being related to...
  2. R

    Fallout 3 Bridge Crossing Video

    The video is "HD" in name only. It's low quality, 640x360.
  3. R

    Fallout 3 Hands-Ons #2

    I hate to be the bearer of bad news but...
  4. R

    Fallout 3 Hands-Ons #3

    Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel was a spin-off, not a direct sequel, and it has not been released for PC at all. For all I care, PS2 and Xbox owners got what they deserved. :wink:
  5. R

    Fallout 3 Bridge Crossing Video

    Click to see in full resolution. EDIT: By the way, did you see the item list for the rock-it launcher (I feel dirty typing that)? Apparently, you can also decapitate your enemies with a pack of cigarettes... Bravo. :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
  6. R

    French website Gamekult plays Fallout 3

    Well, if you start counting indiscriminate console players and unscrupulous game reviewing media in, you may as well say that there aren't any bad games out there at all. You may have a valid point when it comes to regular gamers, but I think the media definitely deserves a lot of criticism.
  7. R

    French website Gamekult plays Fallout 3

    "...while the first person view condemned the player to a certain death" "We decided to dedicate every action point we had to try to score that elusive assault-rifle headshot" It looks almost certain that the previewers played with more normal characters, not the one Howard used in his...
  8. R

    Fallout 3 Hands-Ons

    Reread "no mention of an option to turn it off".
  9. R

    Gamespot Gameplay Video is Up

    The worst way a person can die. Not the most unrealistic/ridiculous one. I don't see ridiculous blood clouds and all four limbs flying off in random directions in this picture. Do you? You may also want to compare this with this...
  10. R

    PC Gamer US Lays Hands on Fallout 3, and Shacknews too

    That reminds me of something... Ah, right...
  11. R

    E3 interview with Todd Howard on Gametrailers

    It's called "Chinese Army Spec Ops Training Manual" and it's red. Get it? Get it? :roll: As somebody else mentioned it earlier, it's in pinyin. Apparently, the main character is a radiation-resistant polyglot who wears hats and kicks ass. What's not to like?
  12. R

    E3 interview with Todd Howard on Gametrailers

    They perfectly match the entire decapitating teddy bears and radioactive squirrels on a stick ensemble.
  13. R

    E3 interview with Todd Howard on Gametrailers

    I think the bobbleheads maintain the integrity of this particular game world just fine.
  14. R

    Gamespot gameplay video

    Instead of taking things out of the context and nitpicking obviously minor details and not the main points that they were used to illustrate, how about you give us your insight and answer the questions I asked at the end of that post? "As you can see, there's a lot of things one can find...
  15. R

    Gamespot gameplay video Stop acting ignorant.
  16. R

    Fallout 3 Good Life Trailer HD and Stills

    Do you really need to ask? Where do you think all that "super awesomeness" comes from?
  17. R

    Games Radar: Chunksplosions!

    Trust me, those are not the words I was searching for. I think you may be too young to hear what I have to say. Yes, yes, I would love to visit a dilapidated Super Duper Mart! You dumb fucks. :x
  18. R

    More Fallout 3 Gameplay Footage

    My eyes! Oh god, my eyes!
  19. R

    More Fallout 3 Gameplay Footage

  20. R

    Fallout 3 first footage

    That's very funny, but I see you left the statue's limbs intact. And where's the blood? I'd rate this about 3.3 out of possible 5 on Todd Howard's Awesomeness Scale