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  1. Mr muggyman 3000

    How are they overrated? The first was a little campy but it was the good kind of campy and it...

    How are they overrated? The first was a little campy but it was the good kind of campy and it had personality unlike "the cucking spider man".
  2. Mr muggyman 3000

    Stand Up- Rate the above; Post your own

    I Give it 8 asscheek out of a face.
  3. Mr muggyman 3000

    I wish Sam raimi got to do spider man 4 it would have been better then the two shit stains we...

    I wish Sam raimi got to do spider man 4 it would have been better then the two shit stains we got and the third upcoming shitstain combined
  4. Mr muggyman 3000

    121 people like gay forum fanart apparently?

    121 people like gay forum fanart apparently?
  5. Mr muggyman 3000

    I hate Christmas songs

    I hate most Christmas songs. Almost all of them are so dam slow, and boring. :roffle:This doesn't make me want to celebrate/party. It's make want a goodamm nap. Now this a song I can celebrate to :roffle:Really underated band btw
  6. Mr muggyman 3000

    Me and my senpai

    Me and my senpai
  7. Mr muggyman 3000

    Cubs won suck it cleavland cunts!!

    Cubs won suck it cleavland cunts!!
  8. Mr muggyman 3000

    Chicago leading 6 to 3 maybe there's still hope that they'll win the series

    Chicago leading 6 to 3 maybe there's still hope that they'll win the series
  9. Mr muggyman 3000

    I loved seeing Glenn scene I personally never liked the character(either version of him) I will...

    I loved seeing Glenn scene I personally never liked the character(either version of him) I will miss the ginger man though:(
  10. Mr muggyman 3000

    I agree the actor did a amazing job playing him,it totally feels like they ripped him out of the...

    I agree the actor did a amazing job playing him,it totally feels like they ripped him out of the comics and put him on screen.
  11. Mr muggyman 3000

    I agree 6 was a dam mess. But I think the show might get some life pumped back into it, with the...

    I agree 6 was a dam mess. But I think the show might get some life pumped back into it, with the introduction of neagan. "Vergil" you don't think the show was ever good?
  12. Mr muggyman 3000

    Finally found the time to see the season premiere of twd. Jeffrey dee Morgan did a fantastic job...

    Finally found the time to see the season premiere of twd. Jeffrey dee Morgan did a fantastic job playing neagan. Might Make twd good again
  13. Mr muggyman 3000

    Best Fallout Game Ever?

    Fallout 2 for me. It was my first fallout,and I actually found it to be pretty funny. My second would be 1 due to its atmosphere and story. Then new Vegas because it had a good balance of story,atmosphere,and humor. Both of Bethesdas fallout are equally shitty imo, so I'm not going to bother...
  14. Mr muggyman 3000

    The Most Cringe Inducing Stuff You Have Seen From Bethesda Fans And Modders

    1. There's nothing wrong with gay fanart it's just that there's so damn much of it. And a lot it doesn't make any fucking sense. There's gay mlp fanart ,gay fnaf fanart,gay Mario fan art, gay scooby fucking doo fanart. As a straight male(aka "the spawn of Satan") I'm fucking tired of have to...
  15. Mr muggyman 3000

    The Most Cringe Inducing Stuff You Have Seen From Bethesda Fans And Modders

    Fallout 4 has a huge cesspool of cringey fan shit, of every variety. Like gay fanart Or "cute" dogmeat fanart Shitty hipster "Inspirational meme" fanart And whatever the fuck this is
  16. Mr muggyman 3000

    Fallout 2 heteronormativity

    If your actually serious I'll explain something to you. Heterosexuality is the MAJORITY , homosexuality is the minority. It makes total sense that there is no gay prostitution especially during the apocalypse, where the human species are bordering on extinction.
  17. Mr muggyman 3000

    Why would you play Fallout 3 today?

    If fallout 3 was your childhood hero, you must have had a really shitty childhood
  18. Mr muggyman 3000

    Why would you play Fallout 3 today?

    I would replay it just because I'm a masochist and the thought of playing fallout 4 while rubbing a cheesegrater on my balls, gets me so hard:smug::smug:
  19. Mr muggyman 3000

    Things that Fallout 3 did right!

    I like the look of the vault suits.... And nothing else
  20. Mr muggyman 3000

    How many of us actually finished FO4?

    I managed to power through the main quest, then instantly grabbed a gallon of ice cream and a bottle of whiskey then I proceeded to my bathtub And cried in pain and agony . my brain couldn't take all the abuse of trying to comprehend all the stupidity on screen. After a couple of months of...