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  1. raics

    Fallout Tactics mod Equilibrium (2.2)

    All this is on the guy who made moddb and forgot to implement any kind of notification when people comment on your mods, you get proper pings from here :)
  2. raics

    Fallout Tactics mod Equilibrium (2.2)

    Had some time these days so I did a little update that hopefully fixed this issue. Unfortunately, you have to start a new game for the change to kick in.
  3. raics

    Fallout Tactics mod Equilibrium (2.2)

    Yeah, it's a known issue, moved on to working on something else so I've never really gotten around to finding what's wrong, it's in my notes in case I get back to this to do an update. Thanks for reporting in any case.
  4. raics

    Fallout Tactics mod Equilibrium (2.2)

    I'll have to admit to not considering the tough guy mode much, the game is prone to crashing mid-level in later missions so people tend to avoid the mode. Things are generally harder too, so some options were given really high reward to be worth the risk, and that means you can fairly easily die...
  5. raics

    Fallout Tactics mod Equilibrium (2.2)

    Ah, sorry, moddb is just notoriously annoying to keep track of, you don't get any email notifications when someone posts a message, or even have any indicators on the mod page so when someone posts under the mod download like you did, I have to know how many messages were there previously to be...
  6. raics

    Fallout Tactics mod Equilibrium (2.2)

    Right, here's the pack then, if it isn't in here it means it's from Redux and you'll have to ask Endocore for permission. There are some sprites in there I made but never used for this reason or the other and also some alternative versions.
  7. raics

    Fallout Tactics mod Equilibrium (2.2)

    I could send you everything as PNG images, 130x60, 65x30 and the ground sprite, would that work? Got them in BMP too but they were made specifically for FOT so I don't know if FO2 sprite editors would work with them, haven't tried.
  8. raics

    Fallout Tactics mod Equilibrium (2.2)

    I think you can use BOSEdit for party members, you should be able to download it here
  9. raics

    Fallout Tactics mod Equilibrium (2.2)

    The perk changes, hi-res support and some other fixes are all in the exe file, so you have to use the one supplied in the mod. It's worth noting that if you took a perk with the old exe that's supposed to give you, say, 5AC but it didn't, and then update your exe so the perk works properly, you...
  10. raics

    Fallout Tactics mod Equilibrium (2.2)

    Sorry, perks are the only thing I tampered with, I don't have the slightest clue about other things in there.
  11. raics

    Fallout Tactics mod Equilibrium (2.2)

    Ah, right, I assumed you were familiar with hex editing. So, what you have to do is to get a hex editor, go to the offset "4a4500". Set it to show 76 numbers in one row and it will look like in the table I linked, then you can see there what each column does and change the numbers in the exe to...
  12. raics

    Best way to play Tactics

    Redux includes the burst fire fix, some mission script fixes and a few other things, so that's probably the least buggy version of main campaign you can play. Equilbrium is mostly balance changes, reverts it to be more like vanilla with fixes to some of the things that were iffy or exploitable.
  13. raics

    Fallout Tactics mod Equilibrium (2.2)

    Sure, this should get you started
  14. raics

    Fallout Tactics mod Equilibrium (2.2)

    Sure, feel free to use anything.
  15. raics

    Fixing energy weapon issues

    Yeah, pulse weapons were dealing energy damage all this time, that's something I had to fix in my mod too by introducing a different ammo type that does electric damage, which does make sense from the gameplay standpoint as electric damage is fabulously effective against robots and you can make...
  16. raics

    Weapons special effects

    It was a while ago, but I think you set the chance for each firing mode under 'knockover multiplier', and it multiplies by 10, so if you set the effect to knockdown and knockover multiplier to 4 it will be 40% chance for knockdown in that firing mode.
  17. raics

    Fallout Tactics mod Equilibrium (2.2)

    Google sheets are a bit rudimentary, and quirky. If you're using that, it's better to just copy the formula over
  18. raics

    Fallout Tactics mod Equilibrium (2.2)

    You can use this formula for conditional formatting and a hidden helper column to format the whole perk row if needed
  19. raics

    Fallout Tactics mod Equilibrium (2.2)

    Nice, you'll also need to restrict how many of each perk can be taken, as in level 15 character can have, say, at most one L14 perk or two level 12 ones. Might be tricky in excel, but it should be doable.
  20. raics

    Fallout Tactics mod Equilibrium (2.2)

    Yeah, it should be able to go beyond racial maximum, forgot to change the description. If I find a few more small fixes there might be a minor patch at some point, but there's something else I'm working on and, sadly enough, these days I can barely find the time to work on that either.