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  1. raics

    Fallout Tactics mod Equilibrium (2.2)

    No, they modify the base, when you remove a perk the stat stays where it was.
  2. raics

    Fallout Tactics mod Equilibrium (2.2)

    No, it's just that racial restriction didn't work for dogs so it's tuned to his major stats instead.
  3. raics

    Fallout Tactics mod Equilibrium (2.2)

    No, you didn't tamper with his stats by any chance?
  4. raics

    Fallout Tactics mod Modifying perks

    If you want to try hex editing the exe, the perk table starts at address 4a4500 and it has 76 columns. I've marked what's what in the table
  5. raics

    Fallout Tactics mod Equilibrium (2.2)

    Yeah, that's the situation I was thinking of too. You have to modify the perk table in the exe file with a hex editor, what you can do with it is limited to changing the common stat bonuses and requirements, you can't do any conditional effects there or anything that would require a script.
  6. raics

    Fallout Tactics mod Equilibrium (2.2)

    Still, not a bad suggestion if I find enough things I want done to warrant an update I could do it. @Dudu: Thanks, glad you liked it.
  7. raics

    Racial maximums

    If you need gun sprites, maybe there's something fitting in my mod, there's a list of all weapons with sprites in 'more info' folder. Also got a fair few lying around that didn't make the selection, if you need something that isn't on the list.
  8. raics

    Fallout Tactics mod Equilibrium (2.2)

    It would be cool, the current real time mode is unwieldy as all hell but the players learned to live with it. No idea how to go about it, though, it's far outside of what I can do with this game.
  9. raics

    Fallout Tactics mod Equilibrium (2.2)

    My pleasure, always nice to see players enjoying the mod, and still playing this game.
  10. raics

    Fallout Tactics Mod Gods! I SUMMON THEE!

    My mod is probably the least technical of the bunch, it's mostly just entity and level editiing, a few event scripts and hex tweaking for perks, it's pretty much tiptoeing around the rotten apples so it's nothing too fancy. Its the amount of minor content that got it whatever the rep it has but...
  11. raics

    Fallout Tactics Mod Gods! I SUMMON THEE!

    In this last equilibrium update I removed or replaced most of the stuff that's broken or pointless. The concept of giving combat value to skill gated or support perks might not be for everyone, though.
  12. raics

    Fallout Tactics mod Equilibrium (2.2)

    Sure, I can check it and mention that tidbit. Guess I found a bit of time for this after all, check the opening post for readme and links.
  13. raics

    Fallout Tactics mod Equilibrium (2.2)

    Most weapon/ammo weights are close to the actual ones except where I had to make it up so I won't change it without a good reason, carry weight is very important if you want to use big guns comfortably so something like 4 STR with weapon handling and power armor is a bit iffy. I used a super...
  14. raics

    Fallout Tactics mod Equilibrium (2.2)

    Yes, it probably should have been introduced eariler, it isn't even that good but it was as sort of an afterthought.
  15. raics

    Fallout Tactics mod Equilibrium (2.2)

    Can't remember for certain but I think it was removed in Redux even if I haven't. No idea what happened with the recruit, that's one part of the game I haven't been tampering with much, aside from altering the stats of non-human ones.
  16. raics

    Fallout Tactics mod Equilibrium (2.2)

    Yeah, rocket launcher targeting is awful, nothing I can do about that, sadly. Laser rifle is the energy version of sniper rifle, weaker than plasma but hella accurate so it's no wonder they're shooting aces out of cards.
  17. raics

    Fallout Tactics mod Equilibrium (2.2)

    Well, that's the way it works, the grenade does some damage and a bot is typically well protected, the skill won't really help with that. That said, I've noticed some strange stuff from that burst damage fix, some weapons start behaving a bit wonky but bots were taking the expected amount of...
  18. raics

    Fallout Tactics mod Equilibrium (2.2)

    That's no wonder, armor is much better in Redux.
  19. raics

    Fallout Tactics mod Equilibrium (2.2)

    No idea, humanoid bots are about as resistant as advanced power armor, a bit more versus normal and a bit less versus explosives, they shouldn't be having any hidden damage bonuses either.
  20. raics

    Fallout Tactics mod Equilibrium (2.2)

    Great, I was afraid people wouldn't bother because you're unlikely to get power armor at that point.