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  1. raics

    Fallout Tactics mod Equilibrium (2.2)

    Excellent, that's exactly what I wanted to do. You shouldn't be able to just gather everyone with fast shot, give them heavy weapons and burst your way through the game, you have to spread resources around more. What I'm curious about is how many people managed to find Flak Cannon.
  2. raics

    Fallout Tactics mod Equilibrium (2.2)

    I'd rather buff its damage, HEI bolts are pure evil.
  3. raics

    Fallout Tactics mod Equilibrium (2.2)

    Crossbow does a bit more damage than equivalent rifles, you keep it loaded in second slot and fire off once per encounter for a bit of extra punch, it isn't a good main weapon. Sadly, we can't have silenced weapons in the game. Anyway, the real point is to give some purpose to bolts before you...
  4. raics

    Fallout Tactics mod Equilibrium (2.2)

    Oh yeah, their kamikaze tactic with spears and clubs is working for a change, and mutants should be tougher in my mod, I think. I recommend a shotgun with incendiary shells as some of them aren't armored.
  5. raics

    Fallout Tactics mod Equilibrium (2.2)

    Sure have, it's another one of those gear curve bypassing things. You can sometimes get higher level weapons a bit early in some hidden areas, it's only a level earlier in most cases but sometimes it's gear you can't get any other way.
  6. raics

    Fallout Tactics mod Equilibrium (2.2)

    Not really, haven't changed anything that might have caused it so I got no idea why that might be happening.
  7. raics

    Fallout Tactics mod Equilibrium (2.2)

    Yeah, that was reported before, there's probably another invisible explosive under the floor, I'll have to dig around a bit to find it. Killing the lieutenant before it can use the detonator prevents it from going off but that can sometimes be hard to do.
  8. raics

    Fallout Tactics mod Equilibrium (2.2)

    Sorry, haven't played around with it so I got no idea what it does, seems like you can scale enemy level with it but who knows if it works and how exactly. I suppose my mod is a bit easier than Redux, you start a bit scrubby but get stronger later.
  9. raics

    Fallout Tactics mod Equilibrium (2.2)

    None of that was dropped, I haven't changed the number of enemies, their level or campaign XP gains from Redux, it's all still there.
  10. raics

    Fallout Tactics mod Equilibrium (2.2)

    Indeed it was, it isn't an open world game like normal Fallouts so you can implement a gear curve, but that also means trivial ways to bypass it had to go.
  11. raics

    Fallout Tactics mod Equilibrium (2.2)

    Definitely not a bug, with the number of lowllifes they're recruiting on regular basis the brothers have learned their lesson so they keep their valuables safely tucked away inside various body cavities. Right, reinstalling wouldn't help for the instances already loaded (including containers in...
  12. raics

    Fallout Tactics mod Equilibrium (2.2)

    Yeah, can't prevent stacking but I could increase the drawbacks. Maybe remove charisma bonus from mentats and replace it with skill bonuses, you don't need to buff those stats for anything in Tactics.
  13. raics

    Fallout Tactics mod Equilibrium (2.2)

    Yeah, it should be internally capped to 90%, you're supposed to be receiving at least 1 damage assuming the threshold hasn't eliminated it all (which shouldn't be the case) so beats me why you're getting no damage. Maybe the burst fire fix messed something up.
  14. raics

    Fallout Tactics mod Equilibrium (2.2)

    Unfortunately, yes, the DR cap is 90% which is way too high and you can hit it with toughness and chems fairly easy. Later on enemies use energy weapons and AP ammo more which means you aren't taking gummybear damage at least from some of them. There isn't much I can do about the cap, I can make...
  15. raics

    Fallout Tactics mod Equilibrium (2.2)

    Thanks, I'll check it out, it might have gotten below the floor level by accident, that's usually the case with invisible objects. Or it might be under the generator.
  16. raics

    Fallout Tactics mod Equilibrium (2.2)

    I don't think it can be fixed, or at least I can't. It would sure be nice as the game has quite a few perks that don't work as they should, or at all. I can fix the description at least, dunno how it slipped me.
  17. raics

    Fallout Tactics mod Equilibrium (2.2)

    Yeah, seems you might have a sporting chance now. Where's the deathclaw? :)
  18. raics

    Fallout Tactics mod Equilibrium (2.2)

    Thanks, most of the sprites turned out pretty nicely so it was worth it in the end, but they were indeed a pain in the butt.
  19. raics

    Fallout Tactics mod Equilibrium (2.2)

    Yeah, it probably isn't, it was likely always supposed to be a squad based shooter and it doesn't have powerful solo-enabling perks like Divinity Original Sin (well, duo-enabling, not really solo but it's close enough), but FT ended up a bit too easy so you could go solo regardless.
  20. raics

    Fallout Tactics mod Equilibrium (2.2)

    Well, if it doesn't have higher perception and agility than a human it isn't much of a dog, it might still make for a good pet but it certainly isn't fit for guard duty. If you wanted to know the exact stats, they have 4 STR, 5 END, 10 PER, 8 AGI (all non-sentient animals including baby...