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  1. raics

    Fallout Tactics mod Equilibrium (2.2)

    Yeah, on insane you get a penalty to hit rolls and enemies do double damage, it was meant to be unfair.
  2. raics

    Fallout Tactics mod Equilibrium (2.2)

    Yeah, it's usually a photo of a real gun or a render, then I cut it out, correct perspective, add shadows, match color tone or contrast with other sprites if needed, sometimes you need to put some accent on finer details if the photo was taken in poor lighting.
  3. raics

    Fallout Tactics mod Equilibrium (2.2)

    What do you mean? I'm not doing 3d modeling.
  4. raics

    Fallout Tactics mod Equilibrium (2.2)

    One day I'll probably add a handful of modded weapons with drum mags, scopes and such, but it probably won't be anytime soon, I'm kinda busy with another project. PTRD/S is unlikely, I don't want to introduce more ammo types. If you need more sprites for your work I could just teach you how to...
  5. raics

    Fallout Tactics mod Equilibrium (2.2)

    Not a bad idea, there aren't many Scorpions in the game, but M3 would be indeed be much more likely to encounter, I might get around to it some day. I'd like to include Sten too but the SMG category is kinda crowded.
  6. raics

    Fallout Tactics mod Equilibrium (2.2)

    I agree, energy weapons are a bit too futuristic but I just couldn't find good retro-future images to make the full energy weapon set.
  7. raics

    Fallout Tactics mod Equilibrium (2.2)

    Now that I look at it, that Makarov might be a shade too big.
  8. raics

    Fallout Tactics mod Equilibrium (2.2)

    Here you are.
  9. raics

    Fallout Tactics mod Equilibrium (2.2)

    Haven't done one for my mod because I don't have 9x18 ammo in it. If you really need the sprite I could probably make one when I'm bored.
  10. raics

    Is there any way...?

    I don't think there's a way to do the first one, or at least I don't know of any. Maybe the second one would be possible, but it would probably mean adding triggers to every mission that would spawn a raider belonging to an allied faction or whatever when you activate the item, you won't be...
  11. raics

    Fallout Tactics mod Equilibrium (2.2)

    Yeah, not any more, shotguns were way overtuned earlier so you'd get absolutely wrecked if a shotgunner manages to get close, your whole team could be wiped out if they were bunched together even in endgame. I assume that was part of those burst fire changes that are patched into exe file in...
  12. raics

    Fallout Tactics mod Equilibrium (2.2)

    Thanks for the feedback, Seven. Firearms had higher damage and melee was lower in some middle version of the mod, but you'd often get oneshot by shotguns early on, pairs of snipers were a bit too much of a menace and having a melee guy in your team wasn't really worth the trouble. I suppose it's...
  13. raics

    Fallout Tactics mod Equilibrium (2.2)

    Thanks, if you got any complaints and suggestions I'll be glad to hear it.
  14. raics

    Fallout Tactics mod Equilibrium (2.2)

    We have suffered a small setback, brothers. If anyone from here downloaded the mod before before 18:30 CT, he or she (you just never know) should redownload it, there were some problems with the package which have been resolved.
  15. raics

    Fallout Tactics mod Equilibrium (2.2)

    And here it is at last. I hope everyone enjoys it, comments and feedback are very much welcome.
  16. raics

    Fallout Tactics mod Equilibrium (2.2)

    Almost done, only last mission left to go through, do some tweaks and fix some sprites that don't really look the way they should. Added some more things I haven't initially planned for too.
  17. raics

    Fallout Tactics Redux Version 1.3

    I don't think it's private, Brotherhood uses 'initiate' term, most recruits have a higher rank and Barnaky's tags also have a P. You're welcome, there isn't much ongoing traffic here as most users drop by only from time to time now to see if there's anything new so you'd probably wait a long...
  18. raics

    Fallout Tactics Redux Version 1.3

    Don't worry, this is simple enough, I assume you have been making recruits from scratch so they have no dogtags in their inventory to modify - go to "core/entities/dogtags" folder, make a copy of any dogtag and give it a unique file name, doesn't matter what it is, but to keep the existing...
  19. raics

    Joinable NPCs..?

    This is how you add a recruit to the pool during a mission: - create a new recruit, let's say it's a dog and the entity is called 'poochie.ent' - create a new line in campaign.txt in recruits section to add the entity to the recruit pool and give it some tag, 'dog' for example so the line will...
  20. raics

    Fallout Tactics mod Equilibrium (2.2)

    And I'm honestly looking forward to finishing it already :) It was a lot of work, every single weapon and ammo piece got new sprites, the whole of weapon progression reworked and rebalanced from the ground up, crap weapons replaced with ones that make more sense, some brand new high level...