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  1. Paladin Hank

    So I Bought the Killing Joke Novel (and it’s awful)

    Watchmen and V for vendetta are awful comics and Alan Moore is a hack. Prove me wrong.
  2. Paladin Hank

    So I Bought the Killing Joke Novel (and it’s awful)

    Have you ever heard of Watchmen and V for Vendetta?
  3. Paladin Hank

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Yesterday

    @hexer By the way, congratulations on this first demo. So far this mod shows a lot of promise. I particularly like the soundtrack (the music in the Tibbets Prison fits perfectly with Fallout) and the new critters I feel like there could've been more characters in the Prison for the PC to...
  4. Paladin Hank

    [FNV] Jason's Ascended Armageddon Personal Apocalypse Pistol

    Wow! I bet I can kill a lot of lefties and commies with this thing!
  5. Paladin Hank

    Cop beats hobo for taking up 2 seats on empty subway, hobo arrested over cops bruised knuckles

    How am I a leftist? I literally said nothing in that post, merely shared a clip from South Park implying you are a retard, which let's face it is more than likely the case. I do admit it was childish though. I'm sorry I just couldn't resist. I'll refrain from doing so in the future.
  6. Paladin Hank

    It was quite hilarious. The Friggin' Chicken ad made her laugh especially

    It was quite hilarious. The Friggin' Chicken ad made her laugh especially
  7. Paladin Hank

    This evening while I was driving home with my mom I put the Deb of Night (the radio station in...

    This evening while I was driving home with my mom I put the Deb of Night (the radio station in VTMB) on the radio to see my mom's reaction.
  8. Paladin Hank

    I yell "allahu ackbar" every time I shoot the Fat Man in Fallout.

    I yell "allahu ackbar" every time I shoot the Fat Man in Fallout.
  9. Paladin Hank

    Encased update: The history behind Russian Fallouts

    Apparently they added Todd Howard to the game. I'm definitely buying it now.
  10. Paladin Hank

    Toront posts old avatars

    You forgot chunglord420: and SilverStarApple/Epsilon7: Two of nma's finest contributors. Let their avatars be forever immortalised.
  11. Paladin Hank

    I just turned two today. Happy Birthday to me!

    I just turned two today. Happy Birthday to me!
  12. Paladin Hank

    Why do people think Fallout 3 was actually good?

    Don't get me wrong I love Fallout 1&2 as much as you do but I fail to see why this mechanic makes them better RPGs than New Vegas. It's just a different type of RPG. If you ignore the minigame (which I personally hate), lockpicking is almost the same as Fallout 1&2, except you can't blow up...
  13. Paladin Hank

    Why do people think Fallout 3 was actually good?

    This is admittedly unfortunate but probably due to time constraints and Obsidian wanting to focus on more important things. Still the depth of the companions themselves makes up for it. When you think about it, the RPG mechanics of New Vegas are quite similar to Fallout 1 and 2's. Almost all of...
  14. Paladin Hank

    Why do people think Fallout 3 was actually good?

    True, but it's still a nice touch and can lead to some hilarious situations, such as these: It also makes the game a lot more challenging.
  15. Paladin Hank

    Why do people think Fallout 3 was actually good?

    In the end it boils down to personal preference. Some people like FPS-RPGs, others prefer "old-school" isometric RPGs. I'll always have a slight preference for the latter but if the story and writing of the former is engaging I'll enjoy it regardless. In the case of New Vegas I'd argue it offers...
  16. Paladin Hank

    Why do people think Fallout 3 was actually good?

    Still, claiming New Vegas is "retarded" simply because it's an fps is a bit close-minded. I would have preferred Van Buren too, but I'm not at all disappointed with what we got instead.
  17. Paladin Hank

    Why do people think Fallout 3 was actually good?

    New Vegas is retarded? Are you sure we played the same game? There was a planned sequel for Arcanum called "Journey to the Center of Arcanum" but unfortunately since Troika shut down it never happened. I'd love to see Tim Cain and Leonard Boyarsky make a sequel in the future but obviously...
  18. Paladin Hank

    Here's some minor gaming news (not related to Fallout though): Westwood Studio's 1997 Blade...

    Here's some minor gaming news (not related to Fallout though): Westwood Studio's 1997 Blade Runner was officially released on GOG a couple of months ago, which is a pretty big deal since previously the only way to play the game was to download it on Abandonware. For fans of Blade Runner this is...