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  1. H

    Game Informer Fallout 3 article scans

    Great news ! :shock: Is there someone here interested in extracting the full text ? It would help a lot especially for the translation of this huge article. :D Thx a lot !
  2. H

    Jericho returns

    +1 :dance:
  3. H

    Please Stand By

    I want teaser ffs !!! :lol: :shock:
  4. H

    More Concept Art

    Maybe they had a juicy contract with Craig Mullins, now they just want to use the artworks and claim that was not wasting money...
  5. H

    Fallout mod for S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

    No there is nothing like this in french version. As far as i know, they didn't want to have problem with Bethesda and the fallout license so they decide to modify some of the original Fallout content. Like "Cat's Power" instead of "Cat's Paw"...
  6. H

    Meet the devs - Meet Todd Howard

    just read that interview from todd howard and his last quote from Christopher Reeve, i don't know what they are smoking @ bethsoft but it must be illegal...