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  1. E

    Popsicle or Android?

    Forgot the giants? They are humanoid-ish.
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    Popsicle or Android?

    I would prefer the human popsicle, really. Android just seems stupid.
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    Fallout 4 Mods will be available on Xbox One

    Figures that Xbone owners get the cool stuff. Plan to get Fallout 4 for PS 4, so likely no hope for mods.
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    Bring back Highwayman car in Fallout 4?

    And there goes the fun. :(
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    Bring back Highwayman car in Fallout 4?

    NO! Deathclaws ON hoverboards!
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    Bring back Highwayman car in Fallout 4?

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    Bethesda's Fallout 4: Continuity Breaker

    Sorry, continue with your regularly scheduled entitlement with the rest of the internet about a game that is almost out.
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    Bethesda's Fallout 4: Continuity Breaker

    *facepalm* what i am saying is no "Fallout NV was better written and had a cooler story" or "no voices in my Fallout, it is not cool" but word it in a POSITIVE manner or of you cannot, don't say a thing. it is okay to share ideas, just do it in a way that is not sounding like you know better...
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    A (Minor?) Case for Optimism?

    No. Just do not gripe and act like a baby and go on about how one game in a series is better than one that is not out yet.
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    Bethesda's Fallout 4: Continuity Breaker

    You must have a very active imagination. I am not telling people to do anything. Just saying that I plan to play the game before griping about it.
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    Bethesda's Fallout 4: Continuity Breaker

    We do not make the game, so whatever Ideas we share are just our opinions. If we did, the game would never be made in the first place.
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    A (Minor?) Case for Optimism?

    Was also talking about those who complain. It is just entitlement that makes people argue over a game they have no control over. Either accept the way things are done and play the game, or do not get the game. Do not act like a child when others disagree. People have differing opinions, learn...
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    Bethesda's Fallout 4: Continuity Breaker

    Honestly, I am going to play the game, like anyone else on here. Does it really matter right now what we think anyways?
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    A (Minor?) Case for Optimism?

    While there would be a case for optimism, everyone on the internet is acting like a spoiled child so Fallout 4 is automatically going to be a failure just because it has things people like to insult and get upset about.
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    Think a voiced protagonist is a bad idea? Here's Bethesda's reasoning!

    I always took the dialogue in the wheel to mean that this the "gist"/meaning of what the character actually says. The problem of a SILENT protagonist is that you have to either imagine a voice (which unless you play the same gender as yourself, is hard to do) or suspend disbelief and just call...
  16. E

    Think a voiced protagonist is a bad idea? Here's Bethesda's reasoning!

    I would say that there is NO build in NV, just "which skills do I max FIRST?". But I am not de-railing any more threads here. Have your cake, I do not care.
  17. E

    Think a voiced protagonist is a bad idea? Here's Bethesda's reasoning!

    Every character build with a modded game that removed all skill points outside of one. Otherwise, you end up maxing out and basically nullify your build.