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  1. E

    Deathclaw hunting tips

    And one could take on Deathclaw Promontory and Quarry junction without needing to carry around a bunch of stuff that only has one use, and it is not in your inventory, by not getting hit in the first place. Pack Rat is a purely convenience perk, and a waste of a convenience perk when there are...
  2. E

    Deathclaw hunting tips

    I did consider the alternative. I just do not see the reason to carry around several pounds of junk that is near useless when caps are just as easy, if not easier, to come by and you can repair all the gear you want. And carrying around a long lasting rifle, you do not need to carry around as...
  3. E

    Deathclaw hunting tips

    Why carry hundreds of pounds of stuff that only have a use as material for something that is not needed? Drop power armor, use only rifles and or pistols, and carry enough water/food for rainy days (metaphorically) and you lose the necessity for carrying weapon repair kits as you will have...
  4. E

    Deathclaw hunting tips

    There is also two perks that makes Pack Rat obsolete by simply adding 50 more pounds to the amount you can carry. maybe if all you carry around is scrap metal and 9 mm pistols, I can see the value of the perk, but anything actually USEFUL in taking down a Deathclaw, forget about it, pack rat...
  5. E

    Deathclaw hunting tips

    except it only works for "useless" junk such as the ingredients for repair kits, which you would not need if you have thousands of caps anyways...
  6. E

    Deathclaw hunting tips

    There is also ammunition in Hardcore, not to mention that some people carry a weapon for all occasions (As in, a different weapon for sniping, another for mid-range combat, and a third for CQC, or Close Quarters Combat).
  7. E

    Deathclaw hunting tips

    I was talking about food and stuff. You know, the items that actually keep you alive.
  8. E

    Deathclaw hunting tips

    The longer a weapon can go without needing repairs, the more stuff you can carry without the mountain of repair kits. Seems like an advantage to me.
  9. E

    Deathclaw hunting tips

    Sorry about that but it is true. Sometimes the best weapon/most powerful one is the weapon that lasts the longest. Elijah's Advanced LAER even modded-50 AER14 prototype-100 Holorifle-supposed to be 150, but is instead multiplied by 1.5% YCS/186-100 Q-35 matter modulator-250 and these...
  10. E

    Deathclaw hunting tips

    Unfortunately, the item's 50 hp, even modded, makes the thing 1000% worse than the Gauss Rifle and it's unique variant. Even the Holorifle is better than that piece of junk overall.
  11. E

    Deathclaw hunting tips

    Does it matter what the real weapon is? The thing is that it is in Fallout: New Vegas as the most powerful energy weapon. One that I plan on using on my energy weapons couriers.
  12. E

    Deathclaw hunting tips

    What does this pic have to do with the topic?
  13. E

    Deathclaw hunting tips

    True, but I found that the best strategy in any fight is to either not let there be a fight in the first place, or reduce the amount of damage taken as much as humanly possible. This applies to all of Lonesome Road, not just deathclaw hunting.
  14. E

    Rank the DLC's

    For me from best to worst: 1 is Lonesome Road: it is linear, but the story behind it, and the moral of that story, of how one person can commit an act with such far reaching consequences that that person might not know it, makes it intriguing. 2 is Old World Blues: Only because I love the...
  15. E

    Lonesome road worst DLC?

    I always run through areas with tunnelers...
  16. E

    Fallout 4 - What's The Big Secret?

    even so, "soon" never means soon.
  17. E

    Fallout 4 - What's The Big Secret?

    Nothing exists until it is "out of the closet" so to speak.Plus, "soon" could mean any time from now up to a year from now in game developer time.
  18. E

    Fallout 4 - What's The Big Secret?

    I am pretty certain they can't announce something that does not exist.
  19. E

    Fallout 4 - What's The Big Secret?

    the secret? IT does not exist.
  20. E

    Deathclaw hunting tips

    Really? I guess that would be why I would never do a melee or Shotgun build. Still I think the best advice to hunting Deathclaws (both in general and LR) is kill or be killed. USe whatever you can to kill them befor they kill you, even if the animations are goofy.