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  1. M

    Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

    I used the custom install with the latest version, 0.81 alpha i think?, with no modifications to the AI. The issues seems to be gone after I reached Junktown, Killian, Gizmo, Skulz and Saul all responded to provocation and started combat as normal. It was just the vault 15/khan raiders that...
  2. M

    Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

    Well I have an update on the situation. Since provoking them didn't work I started myself. Immidiately the game exits combat and re-enters it, giving Garl the first turn. The exact same thing happened in Vault 15, with the aggressive rats. They don't "see" me, I enter combat, the game exits...
  3. M

    Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

    Thanks. Well, before even speaking to Garl I tried to annoy or threaten his two advisors in the same room and they always ended dialogue with something hostile. Some dialogue, like when asking the lady raider for a kiss and she reponds with "Kiss this!" could just be "roleplay" rather than a...
  4. M

    Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

    Hi, I just started playing the GoG 1.2 version and installed the custom pack of FIXT. It's been going alright so far but once I started shit-talking the Khan Raiders they responded with threats but never initiated combat, even Garl. I've got a feeling it's bugged and I don't wanna continue in...