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  1. Little Robot

    Apocalyptic Robitia (NOT A FALLOUT RP BUT IS POST APOC)

    we get into the town and it is not empty after all there are sum banditos there, horse can you pls kil them because they look scare
  2. Little Robot

    Apocalyptic Robitia (NOT A FALLOUT RP BUT IS POST APOC)

    sometime when u r sleeping i put dress on u and pretend u are a woman (dis is bcause so few woman after apokilips because they are all ownd like property now), but this is not importnat. horse, lets ride to the town!!!!
  3. Little Robot

    Apocalyptic Robitia (NOT A FALLOUT RP BUT IS POST APOC)

    farmerk u need to be moar carful, and y r u nakd??? i give farmerk a pretty floral dress to wear to protect him from the harsh realities of the wasteland now we need 2 go to the middle of the Zone to find the magic artfact that can revers this apocolipse, lets go toward that abandoned town
  4. Little Robot

    Apocalyptic Robitia (NOT A FALLOUT RP BUT IS POST APOC)

    "ok farmerk and hors, i know we are just 3 p pl who dont rly like each other but we need to find the artifact so that the world can stop being the apocolypse," i scream
  5. Little Robot

    Apocalyptic Robitia (NOT A FALLOUT RP BUT IS POST APOC)

    it turns out i bark like a dog when i run really fast because I have sever asthma and have difficulty breathing but by morning i get in the area of farmerk and i start looking for him, i try to use my demon senses to find him but i cannot locat him for sum reason "were are u farmerk" i...
  6. Little Robot

    Apocalyptic Robitia Ooc

    One time when the old demon king was drunk, I snuck in and shaved off his beard as a prank. I still have the beard and it sometimes tells me secrets of demon wisdom-- it helps me survive in the harsh wastes. I wove it into a cloak.
  7. Little Robot

    Apocalyptic Robitia Ooc

    Name: Ron Paul Age: 62 (Demons live a long time so I look like I am 9 years old) Gender: Unknown Race: Demon Occupation: Insurance Salesman Bio: Raised in a mixed-race household (white demon and asian demon), I was frequently the target of racial insults from racists. Over the years it...
  8. Little Robot

    Apocalyptic Robitia (NOT A FALLOUT RP BUT IS POST APOC)

    I turn around and see farmerk reeching into my poket, their is his hand rite in my poket. Wat shuld I do, I decide to hit him with my golf club... i am hungry for bloood!!!
  9. Little Robot

    Apocalyptic Robitia Ooc

    I want to be the guy who owns Farmerk as a blood slave. Can we make this happen?
  10. Little Robot

    GSC Gameworld is shutting down; no S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2

    Hey, have hope everyone! Maybe Bethesda will buy the rights and revive it as a Farmville clone!
  11. Little Robot

    Dubstep thread

    My favorite song is the one that goes "wub wub wub." I forgot what it's called, but man, each time it went "wub" I was like "this song is great."
  12. Little Robot

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    That's pretty cool-- I know that there are a lot of antique gun shops in the French Quarter (well, at least a couple). Have you ever checked those out when in New Orleans? Or are the guns non-firing/exorbitantly priced?
  13. Little Robot

    Pete Hines: If you say graphics aren't important you're lyin

    How 'bout NetHack? That's one of my top games of all time, and it uses command-line style ASCII graphics. Although graphics can enhance a game, sometimes it's better to let the player create the world himself with his imagination. I mean, big purple L's are scary stuff.
  14. Little Robot

    Location, Location - Where do you post from?

    That's pretty cool-- it looks like a book or movie cover. Any specific intention in mind, or is it more "abstract" or just playing around?
  15. Little Robot

    Location, Location - Where do you post from?

    Considering it has a cow, a moon, a spoon and a dish, and a fiddle-- I'd guess it's "Hey Diddle Diddle."
  16. Little Robot

    Please Someone Make This Mod.

    I'm glad that you found it. However, I would say that most people on here are not huge fans of Fallout 3, so someone asking to make New Vegas more like Fallout 3 inspires some rudeness. Personally, I did appreciate the option to zoom out much further even if I didn't like the animations...
  17. Little Robot

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    Oops, no intent to offend. Sorry. The feral pig stuff is interesting-- I don't recall hearing about it in any of the states in which I've lived, so it must be pretty regional. The only wild boar hunting about which I've heard is medieval stuff, so it's interesting that it's still going on...
  18. Little Robot

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    Wow, I didn't even know that wild boar hunting was a thing in America. I guess that all I see are the hunters who love to hunt deer. Those boars are very intelligent/dangerous, correct? Does hunting them with a gun take away from the danger? I'm sure that you've posted this before in the...
  19. Little Robot

    A Blatant Example of Mass Media Manipulation

    DammitBoy, if you were watching some of the "liberal" media sources you'd see just the opposite. No media delivery is "spin free" in any way-- the sources you're using (for most of those links at least) seem to be very anti-Union and anti-Obama. The sources for many of the media you denounce...
  20. Little Robot

    20 years in prison for a youtubesinger

    Although I agree that it's silly, I can also imagine an argument that a negative precedent would be set if he gets off completely free. If singers are allowed to sing sexual things and then edit in children, maybe it can be used as precedent for some pedophile "talking dirty" and then adding in...