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  1. Little Robot

    How do you take your Coffee? And other Culinary Creations.

    I like drinking tea (esp. Earl Grey is good) with milk and sugar. Yep, the wussiest way to drink it. :look: Thomas, why do you have to wear leather riding gloves to drink coffee/smoke a pipe?
  2. Little Robot

    Interplay counters Bethesda's claims

    Frankly, Interplay is showing that they've learned at least a little from the failure of POS. Compare the "Armageddon Rag" or whatever to the crappy "how to have teh SEX in FALLOUT" that they used to promote POS.
  3. Little Robot

    If you were making Fallout 4

    You are correct about the location of Winchester company, afaik. I think that it is from Connecticut.
  4. Little Robot

    Talking Heads

    He, I like it. I haven't really posted in this thread but I think that Vic is pretty swell. He looks a little angry, I think, even in the neutral state-- but maybe that's intentional/unavoidable? Awesome work, I look forward to playing with it in-game. Although tbh I usually just leave...
  5. Little Robot

    New Age of Decadence gameplay video

    Well, I'd say that it's better than saying "it's done when it's done." This way at least we know that they are putting out the effort to create a game that is well-designed and well-polished, hopefully with a lot of bugs stomped out and with a lot of thought into nearly every aspect. I'm fine...
  6. Little Robot

    Mark Morgan's "Vault Archives" available again

    Xbox is backwards compatible, though, right? And they are allowed to change the packaging I assume, so they could probably still sell it.
  7. Little Robot

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    But don't you want to support indie developers by paying for Minecraft itself?
  8. Little Robot

    The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    Well, I guess that I could be misremembering. But I seem to recall that one of the "extra house" DLC's contained a magic drinking fountain that would cure vampirism automatically.
  9. Little Robot

    The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    They created a DLC which automatically fixed your vampirism. Yep.
  10. Little Robot

    Zenimax applies for trademarks, likely for F:NV DLC

    But Lexx I want Brahmin armors! I need Brahmin armors! That would be so cool... an armored brahmin, with the Courier on his back, charging through the ranks of Ceasar's legion. It lets out a furious "moo" as it shoulders the legionaries aside.
  11. Little Robot

    The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread

    Jeez, it sounds familiar as all getout but I guess that I haven't heard it before. Oh well, maybe it's Deja Vu, like in the Matrix or something.
  12. Little Robot

    PARPG searching for a lead writer!

    But the driver update is not compatible with many of my primary tasks! Namely being a coward.
  13. Little Robot

    PARPG searching for a lead writer!

    Yes, I could fulfill the time commitment, and it would be fun to help out. I'm just not certain if I'm good enough. You know?
  14. Little Robot

    New Age of Decadence gameplay video

    Wow, I just got the combat demo and it's pretty awesome. The interface does seem a little clunky but I'd say not as bad as Arcanum. But I saw the Papyrus on the loading screen and it annoyed me... oh well. Maybe it's a placeholder? That font is way overused.
  15. Little Robot

    PARPG searching for a lead writer!

    I'd be interested in helping, but I'm uncertain if I have the skills for any of the positions being offered (you know how it is). Any way for interested people ineligible for the "big" positions to help out in smaller ways?
  16. Little Robot

    The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread

    Crap, what is that the soundtrack to? I swear to god I've heard it in a documentary or something.
  17. Little Robot

    The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    Eh, doesn't look like it to me.
  18. Little Robot

    The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    It looks better than I expected, at least in terms of graphics. The new gameplay elements seem "OK" as well, at least-- if they do it right it could be neat. Also, Crni should get a ban for double posting. :P
  19. Little Robot

    The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread

    I like that band too! But I think that the better song from that album is Rag Doll Physics.
  20. Little Robot

    Zenimax applies for trademarks, likely for F:NV DLC

    They sound almost influenced by the titles of country music to me-- I'm getting the same sort of vibe, especially off things like "Honest Hearts" and "Lonesome Road."