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  1. Zyax

    Who else here LIKED Fallout 4?

    Never seen Vault 95 heavily criticized, what's wrong with it?
  2. Zyax

    Ratio of raiders to settlers

    I mean I'm seen that way, but I don't actually consider myself a fanboy, I do like the game for what it is, but like all games it has flaws. This is one of its many issues. Edit: also, I dislike the rabid defenders and fanboys as much as the next guy. I still get shouted at because F3 or F4 are...
  3. Zyax

    What was the Funniest Argument You've had with a Bethesda Apologist?

    I mean, you could have at least given context, since those comments were several posts apart, and they wanted to use a different train of logic, so I followed suit.
  4. Zyax

    Ratio of raiders to settlers

    You know the thing that bothers me the most about all of this, more than the incredibly questionable settlement placements, is why on earth the guards are so poorly equipped. Diamond City guards, guarding the largest city in the Commonwealth, are equipped with baseball bats and pipe rifles, some...
  5. Zyax

    Hey guys! We got mentioned in a Nuka World review!

    So you call me a fanboy, even though I don't feverishly defend the game? I'm just not allowed to like it, is that correct? I mean, I criticize it also, but a bunch of people on this site (well to be fair, the ones that visit the F3 and F4 forums) are just the opposite side of the same coin as...
  6. Zyax

    When the Institute started digging their underground haven...

    They do have some equipment, and plenty of labor. Not actually sure about that one. There is no obvious area that they deposited it.
  7. Zyax

    PS4 mod support update

    And that's a fair point to make. From a business perspective I don't think Bethesda could say what they said, however vague they are at times in the statement, and get away scott-free without repercussions if it wasn't at least mostly true. If Bethesda is openly lying about why Sony did what...
  8. Zyax

    PS4 mod support update

    I would assume that there wasn't a legally defined deal in place, that may have put Sony in a precarious legal position. The best I could speculate is that they have more of a "show us how you can do this, and we may approve it" and to my knowledge it does work, as in mods on PS4 work, but Sony...
  9. Zyax

    PS4 mod support update

    Exactly, but I do think it isn't unreasonable to make a statement on the issue, especially since Sony seems to be making a lot of bad moves as of late.
  10. Zyax

    PS4 mod support update

    Where is the evidence this was dropped on Sony? Anyone?
  11. Zyax

    PS4 mod support update

    Nice misrepresentation there, you're good at that I suppose. If what Bethesda said was a lie (in this case slander) then Sony could, and should, sue them for it, or at the very least should make a statement saying their reasons, whatever they may be, you know, so they don't look bad? Sony...
  12. Zyax

    PS4 mod support update

    There is no evidence that Sony didn't know about this before the announcement, and statements made by Bethesda indicate that they did, therefore it can be reasonably concluded that Sony is at fault.
  13. Zyax

    PS4 mod support update

    Placing the blame in the correct place is also a good rule to live by.
  14. Zyax

    PS4 mod support update

    And that's all I would ask for. If they came out and said "we don't want to allow modding on our console" they I wouldn't like that idea, but I wouldn't complain because it's their decision.
  15. Zyax

    PS4 mod support update

    Fact of the matter is that we do not know why, and Sony has not said why. We cannot hold something for or against them without any real evidence. Until they release a statement as to why, they will look bad. And this comes from someone who likes Sony, but this is just another of their recent...
  16. Zyax

    PS4 mod support update

    The "you can't fix stupid" was more in reference to people who try and force incompatible mods to work together. I never said that Bethesda shouldn't have a QA system for console modding, but Sony is being screwed over by a lot of their recent actions, and this is among them. No matter who is at...
  17. Zyax

    PS4 mod support update

    I mean, that would partly be on the individuals for trying to install mods that are too intensive, or ones that directly conflict with each other. It can't all be Bethesda's or Sony's fault, because you can't fix stupidity, only ignorance. Nobody is saying they do. Until evidence surfaces that...
  18. Zyax

    PS4 mod support update

    So it's logical that Sony would do something that would, regardless of what a minority thinks, assuredly damage their image in the eyes of a lot of fans? It makes no sense from a business or quality perspective, because they would be missing out on some re-sales and potential purchases, as well...
  19. Zyax

    PS4 mod support update

    So screw people who can only afford 1 gaming system right? right?