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  1. Zyax

    Overseer in a Fridge DLC

    Some of it is opened, and she has food in her own little like, office home or whathaveyou. There's plenty of issues with the DLC, but OP's post is wrong in what it initially complains about is all I said.
  2. Zyax

    Overseer in a Fridge DLC

    Never said it made sense, but the original complaint was there was no food, when there was, so he's wrong is all I was saying.
  3. Zyax

    Overseer in a Fridge DLC

    See previous reply
  4. Zyax

    Guns 'n stuff.

    If you won't accept any ol' explanation than what's the point? The vast majority of players feel that the gun play is much smoother and feels better in Fallout 4, an improvement over NV and 3. I mean if you disagree that's your right to I suppose. It's still going to have some similar weapons...
  5. Zyax

    Guns 'n stuff.

    You wanted people to answer how the gun play is better, (though you're on NMA, so maybe you were just looking for sarcasm and bashing) and I give how I think it goes, and instead of offering any kind of conversation, you just choose to be this way. *sigh* not sure what I expected from here.
  6. Zyax

    Overseer in a Fridge DLC

    No idea whatsoever.
  7. Zyax

    Guns 'n stuff.

    You can alter the firing characteristics of most of the weapons, as well as alter certain stats (more than just upping damage and range) and more fun and weird weapons Fallout is known for, And I don't know why the lasers have recoil, they have recoil in all the 3d Fallouts. Also I do think...
  8. Zyax

    Overseer in a Fridge DLC

    They literally had food on most of the train cars, so I don't see what you're trying to argue. You can go into it and look at it yourself.
  9. Zyax

    Guns 'n stuff.

    Diverse in usage, in all the games the factions have themed weapons, for the most part. Though it would have been nice to have a little more diversity in their faction usage. The Minutemen use pipe rifles, laser muskets, and sometimes .44, but I've only seen that twice. alright, 14, neat. Now...
  10. Zyax

    Overseer in a Fridge DLC

    The vault wasn't constructed, but the materials were there, it had the shipments literally inside the cave with all kinds of stuff in it.
  11. Zyax

    Guns 'n stuff.

    Plasma, Laser, Pipe, 10mm, .44, Institute = 3? You must have fun mathematics where you come from. And yes I remember the guns and ammo dlc pack that messed up their original weapon modding system. Also Unique weapons shouldn't be considered their own weapons, unless they don't have a standard...
  12. Zyax

    Guns 'n stuff.

    That's good for you then. It's much better in 4 in most people's opinion, mine included.
  13. Zyax

    Guns 'n stuff.

    This thread is about the guns, so I answered about the guns.
  14. Zyax

    Overseer in a Fridge DLC

    So I'm assuming you missed the part where she had the Vault-Tec rations and other food you could see she had stored? 10/10 detective work.
  15. Zyax

    Guns 'n stuff.

    Have you actually fired the weapons in NV? The weapons feel more diverse and usable in F4. Shotguns actually have impact, and it feels better overall.
  16. Zyax

    Bethesda Shows Where Their Priorities Are (Patch 1.6 New)

    New Vegas was my first, and still absolute favorite, I do like 4 but can see its many flaws, however I still prefer it over 3 for the most part. In terms of story and setting I really like 1 and 2, but I personally find the game play boring which is why I can't like them as much. I also know I...
  17. Zyax

    Bethesda Shows Where Their Priorities Are (Patch 1.6 New)

    I don't really know you, but probably. I don't usually name drop, but @Crni Vuk is a very reasonable person that gives out well spoken commentary on some of the things I say, all without ever coming off as rude. props for that. There's more, but like I said, it's not really my thing to name...
  18. Zyax

    Bethesda Shows Where Their Priorities Are (Patch 1.6 New)

    I've just presented a point of view, unpopular as it may be, and have no quarrel with dissent. I haven't actually told anybody "you are wrong here is why". I can't be acting pretentious if I don't present myself as being more important or more correct, and if you take my concessions are as...
  19. Zyax

    Bethesda Shows Where Their Priorities Are (Patch 1.6 New)

    That's how and 8 year old argues. anyways, I originally was bringing up that there were bug fixes and what not in this patch, not just the added names. And I take what I'm given, since I get called some very colorful things for just holding a different opinion than the mainstream on this...
  20. Zyax

    Bethesda Shows Where Their Priorities Are (Patch 1.6 New)

    And I'M the snide one.