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  1. Zyax

    Bethesda Shows Where Their Priorities Are (Patch 1.6 New)

    they also did some of their general stability updates, as well as fixed a few obscure bugs I've never personally encountered, from what they've said in the patch notes. EDIT: they also added a new feature to survival mode, where if you leave to the main menu, it creates a temp save that will be...
  2. Zyax

    Bethesda Shows Where Their Priorities Are (Patch 1.6 New)

    So, if I am understanding this correctly, you're upset/criticizing them for something that has literally never happened in this game before, Fallout 3, or New Vegas......... gotcha.
  3. Zyax

    Why does it feel like ?

    I personally disagree, but to each their own
  4. Zyax

    Why does it feel like ?

    Yeah that's it. It does also make me wonder about felines in other parts of the world, like Africa. Mutated Tigers?
  5. Zyax

    Why does it feel like ?

    In no way does this debunk or refute your entire point, but if memory serves there is definitely a cat in Fallout 2 if I'm not mistaken, which would simply mean that House was wrong.
  6. Zyax

    I find a certain YouTuber very cancerous.

    Fair enough, but the difference there is that you're referring to a person, while I'm talking about a system that has far too much sway with the industry. As for him being an Anita apologist, well all I can say is that his work on the other end of the spectrum at least somewhat balances that...
  7. Zyax

    I find a certain YouTuber very cancerous.

    I honestly have no idea where you think you have to praise Fallout 4, but alright. Still though, this thread isn't about Fallout 4, but someone else's opinion on Fallout 4. And I do know enough about him, and if you listen to his podcasts he criticizes the games as well. I won't deny he does do...
  8. Zyax

    I find a certain YouTuber very cancerous.

    Dishonest no, Ignorance actually yes. I don't come here enough to see that, but good on them. Never said the word hate at all, and I'm not complaining about being disrespected, I've come to expect it from this website for the views that I hold, which is sad in its own right but that's not the...
  9. Zyax

    I find a certain YouTuber very cancerous.

    Hmm, not sure where to begin with this one. I guess I'll start with this: You sure you know what self righteous means? I am not really claiming to come from a position of intellectual or moral superiority, but ok. See now you're changing the topic as to what I do or do not like about Fallout 4...
  10. Zyax

    I find a certain YouTuber very cancerous.

    Not once did I say you couldn't agree with him. Calling someone cancerous because you don't like their opinion isn't disagreeing, it's childish at best. I never insulted G, only commented on his own words, I never said he was weak minded, never said he was a bitch, nor said that anyone is an...
  11. Zyax

    I find a certain YouTuber very cancerous.

    Again, they're..... but I digress, I treat anyone with respect that treats me the same way. And you calling me a fanboy is honestly hilarious, but if that's what you want to believe then by all means. Also I think you meant posts, most of which haven't really been bait, but I mean sure... Also I...
  12. Zyax

    I find a certain YouTuber very cancerous.

    You two are just delightful. All I've done is make an observation of someone's "argument" and suddenly I'm a troll huh? And you wanna say I made a strawman? Cute, considering I haven't done so. edit: I almost forgot: *you're, the irony of which I assume isn't lost on your right boo? Also I'm...
  13. Zyax

    I find a certain YouTuber very cancerous.

    Nice way to misrepresent an argument there, really shows a strong mind. Never said that, but there's a difference between dissent and childish bitching.
  14. Zyax

    I find a certain YouTuber very cancerous.

    If only there was some way you could avoid content you didn't like..... maybe a button in the top right perhaps? Nah, probably too much effort.
  15. Zyax

    I find a certain YouTuber very cancerous.

    That's your opinion man, feel free to have it, but it is kind of funny honestly.
  16. Zyax

    I find a certain YouTuber very cancerous.

    I almost wonder if you people believe people are allowed to change their minds.
  17. Zyax

    Far Harbor Official Discussion

    That may be one of the most dramatic things I have ever read, about something so incredibly inconsequential
  18. Zyax

    Fallout 4 - Far Harbor Official Trailer

    In some instances yes, in others I know what you're getting at, and it wasn't the best choice of words, but I digress.
  19. Zyax

    Fallout 4 - Far Harbor Official Trailer

    Yeah, I do neglect to mention Tactics, which is my least favorite of the Fallouts that I've played. And I often forget BoS actually exists. I disagree, but I'll defend your right to free speech regarding my free speech.
  20. Zyax

    Fallout 4 - Far Harbor Official Trailer

    Eh, people are allowed to believe what they would like. I'm well aware if the general consensus on this website, that being the newer Fallouts, well really 3 and 4, are bad games and they shouldn't have changed. I disagree with that sentiment for the most part, but will never outright tell...