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  1. Zyax

    Fallout 4 Survival Update is out [BETA]

    Sure, ok pal. You do you
  2. Zyax

    Fallout 4 Survival Update is out [BETA]

    Fallout 4's survival mode is just more in depth than New Vegas' hardcore mode. It's not just eat, sleep, drink and limb damage changes, there's fatigue, diseases and the like.
  3. Zyax

    Fallout 4 Survival Update is out [BETA]

    Does a better job than the New Vegas one, if we're being honest, but then again saying something like that here is like pissing on Mohammad's image in a mosque.
  4. Zyax

    [Serious] Fallout 4 DLC Ideas

    I think it would be really fun to travel outside of the U.S., and into Canada just to see how the Great War affected other parts of the world.
  5. Zyax

    Fallout 4 DLC Ideas

    Bring the wasteland to life with this brand new INTERNET based companion DLC ($5): -3 all new companions to choose from! -1 based on the internet fanboys that will constantly tell you how amazing everything is, and unable to shut the f**k up about it! -1 based on everyone that hates Bethesda...
  6. Zyax

    Automatron dlc looks completely boring

    Riiight, because those two things are comparable in the slightest
  7. Zyax

    Automatron dlc looks completely boring

    Doesn't really matter what they do, most of the people here will complain about it anyways. I'll reserve judgement until it is out, but it looks like it could be fun to play through.
  8. Zyax

    Why Fallout 4 objectively worse than Brotherhood of Steel

    I guess someone doesn't know what "objective" means