Search results

  1. Korin

    The terrible German language

    I know there's a lot of Europeans here, so sharing my language journey... I have been dating my German-born girlfriend for almost 5 years now (and have visited her family in Germany with her several times). Her entire family is trilingual, speaking English, French and German. I am essentially a...
  2. Korin

    Halloween C.A.M.P.

    Festive C.A.M.P. build for the Halloween season. Disregard dumpster fire, acquire spoop-i-ness:
  3. Korin

    Over 600 hours of Fallout 76 played... ask me anything

    Yes, this is real. I've been playing since open beta: I've lived through the worst Fallout release in history. I've suffered wave after wave of minor to game breaking bugs (one of which literally disabled my characters for several days). I've played when dupers were so rampant they literally...
  4. Korin

    Who needs modder status?

    Doing some housekeeping and checking who the modders are... modder status gives you access to the downloads page where you can upload and maintain all of your own content.
  5. Korin

    Fallout 4 1.4 update now in beta on Steam

    Bethesda just released their beta to Steam with some additional details about what the update includes. It seems they've added a number of extra settlement customizations. Opinion: My personal feeling is the settlements need more than just "stuff". I can't even get my settlers to use half the...
  6. Korin

    Fallout 4 1.3 update hits console and PC

    Bethesda has released their 1.3 update which includes fixes and enhancements for the console and PC versions of the game. They had done something similar with Skyrim where they continued to release general enhancements and a few minor features with their patches (likely in preparation for coming...
  7. Korin

    Bethesda announces another E3 press conference

    For people that have been following Bethesda for a while you'll know that this is only the second time they've done this. Rumours fly, of course, about what their press conference will actually be about but one could reasonably assume it will likely include details about future Fallout 4 DLC and...
  8. Korin

    Fallout 1 utility Falche Fallout 1 editor

    Korin submitted a new resource: Falche Fallout 1 editor - Change Fallout 1 stats, perks, skills, traits and much more Read more about this resource...
  9. Korin

    Fallout 1 utility Falled Editor

    Korin submitted a new resource: Falled Editor - Program that will change your inventory and basic stats. Read more about this resource...
  10. Korin

    Even after Fallout 4, many fans still asking for an Obsidian developed Fallout

    Kotaku wrote an interesting article about the fandom behind Obsidian's Fallout: New Vegas in the face of Bethesda's release of Fallout 4. Seems many fans are still looking for Obsidian to do more with the Fallout franchise, something many people on NMA can relate to: Kotaku mentions and as...
  11. Korin

    Preston Garvey, arguable the most annoying Fallout character ever, spawns dozens of related memes

    Anyone who has played any amount of Fallout 4 that involved Preston Garvey will be able to relate to how annoying his incessant requests to help settlements are. He's annoying enough that he's spawned dozens of memes amongst players: Yes...
  12. Korin

    Apply for MODDER status

    You've probably noticed some people have "MODDER" next to their name. This is a usergroup with special site privileges. Qualifying for the modder usergroup is simple... you have to have made a mod. If you are a person who has made a mod and when you look at your name you don't see "Modder" under...
  13. Korin

    Attention: Modders / Mod users

    We've moved sites and I junked the old and crappy downloads area and started a fresh one... y'all should start putting your files in there. Mod users, if there's something you're looking for that used to be in the old downloads area you should pester modders to put it up there. If you are a...
  14. Korin

    Some website that has every Fallout mod/file ever?

    Hey there... a while ago I was trying to update the downloads section and someone told me about this site that basically had hundreds of Fallout files archived on a single page... anyone remember this?
  15. Korin

    An apocalyptic anniversary

    Interesting little fact – today (October 23rd) is the anniversary (well, pre-anniversary) of the Great War in the Fallout universe, which led to the gloriously fun post-apocalyptic landscape we’ve come to love. To celebrate this, Dorkly’s made it the subject of this week’s "Today in Nerd...
  16. Korin

    Any musicians help me with an electric guitar related purchase?

    Hey there musically inclined NMA'ers. I was hoping someone could tell me what I'm looking for. I was hoping to have some kind of device that I could plug my electric guitar into, as well as some headphones and an aux-in cable from a phone/mp3 player so I could play and jam along with music (that...
  17. Korin

    Fallout: Lonestar wants GECK world builders... maybe it could be you?

    In a follow-up to an earlier news post about Fallout: Lonestar it would appear that @Sebastian of the Wastes and his crew are now looking for GECK world builders to assist in the development of their Texas-based Fallout mod. Perhaps one of them could be you! Full details below. Qualifying...
  18. Korin

    Interview with Brian Fargo and our very own Brother None on Wasteland 2

    Games journalist Guy Cocker (of talks to Brian Fargo and @Brother None from inXile Entertainment, creators of Wasteland 2. They discuss free games being accidentally given away by GOG, the Uncharted film due in 2016, their favourite apocalypse-set movies and of...
  19. Korin

    Texas-based fan-made Fallout game: "Fallout: Lonestar" currently in the works

    Courtesy of @Sebastian of the Wastes. Check it out! "Hello community! It's been almost 5 years since I last posted .... I feel like I'm in confession .... and if you remember me at all then you might know that I used to be a major player for an old, now defunct, Fallout 2 total conversion...
  20. Korin

    After Reset reaches and exceeds kickstarter goal in 10 days with 30 days to go

    After Reset's kickstarter seems to have taken off as they've both reached and passed their funding goal with another 30 days to go. Looks like things are shaping up for another post-apocalyptic RPG. From their Kickstarter update: "My dear friends, Today we’ve crossed the Rubicon in the history...