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  1. RevBladeZ

    So what happened to Lost Hills?

    Lost Hills is the headquarters of the entire Brotherhood of Steel but the thing is, NCR and the Brotherhood have been in war for quite a while now and the location of Lost Hills was public knowledge even before there was an NCR. Hell, Lost Hills is located in Maxson, one of the five founding...
  2. RevBladeZ

    Strange arguments you had with other Fallout fans?

    This has probably been posted here before but its always an interesting one..... in a twisted kind of way. Recently i had one claim that it somehow makes sense that a supermarket 200 years after the war would still have food in it simply because there are less people around than there were...
  3. RevBladeZ

    How often you have to deal with apologists?

    I posted on Facebook about the stupid shit about how Bethesda retconned the way Jet was invented and about how stupid Kid in the Fridge is and the amount of people defending that was ridiculous. About half of the people were saying how its completely plausible that Jet was a pre-war drug and...