Search results

  1. M

    Pilot skill - Any effect?

    I've been searching through the FoT program code for areas related to character skills. I've found all of the expected behaviors for skills, except one - the Pilot skill doesn't seem to do anything really useful. The only effects I've found are: 1) When a character enters or leaves a vehicle...
  2. M

    Misc. odd behaviors in combat engine

    I've been poking through a couple of areas of the combat engine I haven't decoded yet (e.g. the secondary weapon effects - knockdown, poison, stun, etc.). I've found a couple of oddities (likely bugs), and wanted to get some input on ideas for the best way to fix them. First - can anyone...
  3. M

    Hex patch for special encounter crash

    The next release of FTSE has taken me much longer than I expected (or would like), as I've been very limited on free time lately. However, in working on it, I came up with a fix for the crash when all special encounters are visited. With the fix, special encounters should properly revert to...
  4. M

    Burst attacks, bugs, and game balance

    Recently, I've been studying the game code for combat calculations - so far, I've looked at chance to hit, critical effects, and damage calculation. I've started looking into burst-fire weapons, both to get an idea of how to fix the "burst attack bug" (e.g. the high chance of low-percentage...
  5. M

    Comprehensive FO:T Engine Bug List (1.27)

    This post is intended as a place to collect information on all known and suspected engine bugs in Fallout Tactics 1.27, as well as known fixes or workarounds for each. Note that this list does not include map or entity errors, broken quests, etc., as these are fixable with the game editor...
  6. M

    Fallout Tactics utility FTSE - Fallout Tactics Scripting Engine (0.56a)

    Project page (GitHub): Download link (current): Documentation link: This mod enhances the game Fallout Tactics, adding the...
  7. M

    Experiments on custom perks

    I've been toying with the idea of what it would take to be able to have mods provide custom perks, since this is one of the areas that is pretty much hardcoded into the BOS.EXE. I was able to find the perk table in the EXE, which controls the minimum level, minimum stats/skills, and...
  8. M

    Hex patch for color character portraits

    In this thread on fixing the Team Player/Loner perks, a request was made to look into allowing character portraits to be displayed in full color, rather than the green-scanline effect of the Pipboy. I think I have it working: The hex changes to apply are below (be sure to make a backup of the...
  9. M

    Hex patch for Team Player + Loner

    ***NOTE***: A fix has been found for the duplicate effect issue. This patch should still be considered still-in-test, as I can't be certain there aren't more bugs uncovered with the fix. --- I've been itching to have another playthrough of FoT, with a high Charisma leader-type character, but...