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  1. O

    So Fallout 76 is a Battle Royale Now

    Lol, I'm at a loss for words. Didn't we crack jokes about this not too long ago?
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    Wasteland 3 trailer

    Fuck this trailer is pretty bad, reminds me of rage 2. I hope its just a marketing thing.
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    National parks

    What are your guys fave US national parks for hiking (not camping). Have passes need to use them. 2 ppl trip. Don't mind long overnight hikes but mind having to lug around cooking shit and fucktons of water/having to purify water.
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    Was Fallout 76 saveable or was it doomed in concept?

    In a world where Bethesda are actually competent developers could it be pulled off well? Or is an RPG with multiplayer doomed to be stripped of all mechanics and fail? How would you go about it in a satisfying way thats still true to the original concept? Mostly asking because wasteland 3 is...
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    Any news on wasteland 3

    Shit comes out this year right? After Sekiro it’s really the only game I’m looking fwd to, this years lineup is garbage
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    Fallout: The Frontier

    Any word on this? I haven't heard much of or seen much of it in a while. What's the current tentative release date, if any
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    Fallout 76 getting review bombed

    Lmfao I guess even bethesda fans are figuring out the games are shit