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  1. Iprovidelittlepianos

    Scripting help

    I should probably just ask this on the nexus forums but I’ll try here as well. I’m trying to write what should be a fairly simple script, but I’m not really sure about the syntax. Essentially, I want to add an item to the player’s inventory every time a weapon is aimed, and remove the item when...
  2. Iprovidelittlepianos

    Can ghouls get infections?

    So… I’ve been repeating a lie for a couple years now. I could’ve sworn that Lenny says that ghouls do suffer from disease and infection, which, as Gecko’s resident doctor, is what he spends most of his time healing. But I recently read through his dialogue file on the (fandom) wiki, and he makes...
  3. Iprovidelittlepianos

    Changing Strength Damage Multiplier for specific weapons?

    I’m wondering if there’s a simple way to flag certain melee weapons as exempt from any damage increases you’d get from Strength. Specifically, I’d like the damage from “automatic” melee weapons such as the ripper, chainsaw, thermic lance to be unaffected by Strength. Anyone know an easy way to...
  4. Iprovidelittlepianos

    A cool visual we never saw

    So, having just read about stampede in South Korea, I am reminded of a thought I’ve had that I’ve never shared before, inspired by the image above and other images like it, depicting long lines of prospective Vault dwellers entering a Vault. Pre-war advertisements depict this procession as calm...
  5. Iprovidelittlepianos

    What is wrong with my GECK?

    Been searching online for how to fix but I haven’t seen anyone else mention my problem. Whenever I launch the GECK, the only window that pops up is the Render Window, and the GECK never loads. It doesn’t even say it’s “not responding” like it usually does when loading. There’s just nothing but a...
  6. Iprovidelittlepianos

    Power Armor Strength Buffs

    Not sure if anyone’s ever brought this up, but I was thinking the other day that the way power armor gives the player strength buffs doesn’t really make sense. Power armor should have the same effectiveness regardless of the strength of the person wearing it. It would be more logical if power...
  7. Iprovidelittlepianos

    Idea for a combat overhaul

    I’ve been thinking of a way that could make FNV into more of an RPG and less of a shooter, by which I mean making combat more reflective of the character’s skill than the player’s skill. For the record, I lack the modding experience to make a mod like this, so this is all theoretical. Just...
  8. Iprovidelittlepianos

    Best (and Worst) Vault Experiments

    Recently there’s been some discussion about Vault Experiments around here and it’s got me thinking. The most hardcore of us seem to think that the experiments were a mistake and should never have made it into the games, while it seems most of us tend to think the experiments were a halfway...
  9. Iprovidelittlepianos

    Fallout: Somewhere

    For the past several months to year I've been working my own little Fallout setting that I have tentatively dubbed "Fallout: Somewhere", because I don't really have a specific location of the U.S. in mind (though I do imagine the setting takes place somewhere in the Great Plains, on the...
  10. Iprovidelittlepianos

    Ideas for a new type of mutant?

    Just asking if anyone has an idea for a new kind of humanoid mutant, unrelated to Super Mutants or Ghouls or Slags or Trogs or any other humanoid mutant that’s already been featured in a game. If you’d like to satisfy my curiosity or just get some creative juices flowing then please reply to...
  11. Iprovidelittlepianos

    Making a new map

    I’m not very familiar with the GECK, so I figured I’d ask here. Can anyone tell me how to make an entirely new world map, disconnected from the main game world? I just want to make a giant flat desert map, it seems like this would be simple but apparently my dumbass is having trouble figuring...
  12. Iprovidelittlepianos

    List of merchant inventories/stock chance?

    Does anyone know or know how to find out exactly what items different merchants stock, and what the chance is for that item appearing for sale in the merchant’s inventory? I hope I didn’t word that question too poorly. I’ve looked around but I can only ever find vague answers like “sometimes...
  13. Iprovidelittlepianos

    Spore plant files missing?

    I just started up fallout 2 again, got it running with the latest sfall, fo2 tweaks, rpu, and the inventory filter. So far so good, but there’s one problem I’ve been consistently having. Whenever spore plants spit their plant spike at me, the message box displays several lines of “ERROR: File...
  14. Iprovidelittlepianos

    Who else hates the idea that the world could’ve been saved if only...

    I keep seeing this idea thrown around (particularly on places like Reddit) that fusion technology was on the verge of ending the Pre-War resource shortages, and that the Great War could’ve been avoided if only they had more time. This always bothers me because I like to think of the Great War as...
  15. Iprovidelittlepianos

    Finding water in Dead Money

    Playing Dead Money on hardcore mode and I’m having trouble staying hydrated. Are there any water fountains in the villa that I missed?
  16. Iprovidelittlepianos

    Are the Great Khans actually descended from the original Khans (or New Khans)?

    I was thinking about this the other day. According to Fallout 2, Darion was the only member of the Khans to survive the Vault Dweller’s genocide. Making Darion the only member of the New Khans that was born and raised a Khan. Every other member of the New Khans is just some unscrupulous...
  17. Iprovidelittlepianos

    All-Clear Signal

    Lynette says that Vault 8 opened once they received the “All-Clear Signal” (though she is unaware of where exactly this signal came from). It’s presumed that this signal was sent by the Enclave, and that they sent a similar signal to Vault 13 soon before the start of the game. But what I’m...
  18. Iprovidelittlepianos

    Modifying damage formulas?

    Perhaps the title isn’t the best way to word this but it’s the most succinct title I could come up with. I have very little experience with modding and little idea of what is possible to change and what is pretty much set in stone as far as gameplay goes. I’ve always hated how DR in New Vegas...
  19. Iprovidelittlepianos

    Best mods for New Vegas as of 2020

    So I’ve decided to start up New Vegas again, I haven’t played it since I made an account here and since then I’ve learned that New Vegas mods have actually come a long way. I haven’t really kept up with the modding scene for almost a decade now, so I’m wondering if you guys have suggestions for...
  20. Iprovidelittlepianos

    Gameplay additions/changes for a hypothetical future fallout game?

    When I say hypothetical future fallout game I of course mean a fallout game made in the style of the originals, which I know will likely never happen. I’m sure we all have ideas for what could have been added to fallout to improve the gameplay, or what aspects of gameplay could be changed, and...