Search results

  1. Jack Reynolds

    A Note On Ghouls - Feral v. Non-Feral (Long Read)

    Now, I'm sure this has been done to death, but I want to add something to it, and Search isn't bringing up any previous iterations on this point. So here we go. Ferality in ghouls is not a degree of ghoulification. It's a type. For convenience, I'm going to refer to non-feral ghoulification as...
  2. Jack Reynolds

    That New Vegas Gunslinger Life...

    (Disclaimer: This post, while its topic still does apply to the vanilla game, will also be mentioning mod-added weaponry; I apologize, in advance, if that's not allowed on this board. If there's a rule against it, I haven't spotted said rule yet.) For the longest time, and for the majority of...