Search results

  1. LennyBava

    Is there a mod to make all the raiders male?

    I find the idea of female raiders pretty silly, as they would most likely just be slaves kept around for various reasons. So I was hoping to find a mod for fallout 4 that would turn all the raiders male. It was particularly bad in the "Nuka World" expansion, where for some reason, they were...
  2. LennyBava

    Do I still need the unofficial FO4 patch in 2024?

    I've been watching modding videos trying to figure out which mods would really benefit me in 2024. Do we still need the Unofficial Community Patch? It was a big deal 7 years ago, I remember that much. But did Bethesda ever implement any of it in their updates? I ask because I don't want to buy...
  3. LennyBava

    Looking to mod fallout 2 but can't find correct game folders

    I'm hoping that someone here knows which folders to place the files in, from this mod: The installation instructions are pretty terrible. Anyone know where to place the files, when using the Steam version? There certainly isn't any...
  4. LennyBava

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout Nevada no longer works on Windows 10

    Hi all. I'm trying to play the fan made prequel to fallout 1. Called Fallout Nevada. Got Fallout 2 installed and ran it already. Fallout Nevada will launch on windows 10, and it will play through the intro scenes just fine. But when it's time for it to show the main menu, it's just blank. Music...