Search results

  1. Crueler Johnny

    Found the original inspiration for the Alien Blaster, it's based on a 1996 Mars Attacks! raygun toy

    I was fuckin' around looking up "skeletonizer raygun" because the idea of a raygun turning a person in a bear bones (literally haha) skeleton like in the old movies back then was quite humourous! I looked in google images when I saw something that caught my eye, it was a toy gun that looked like...
  2. Crueler Johnny

    Mark 3 Variants of armor

    made these sprites (far right, third collumn) of Mark 3 variants of Jacket, Leather, Metal and Combat armors. These would have a small upgrade in Normal DT/DR, but also a major sidegrade in other resistance types these sprites are free to use if you desire them in your fallout fan game.
  3. Crueler Johnny

    Jumpsuit under armor concept

    I drew edited these sprites by hand. Not really a fallout modder but a concept artist. this is a concept of "What if the player could wear their jumpsuit under their armor?" I think this would be a good idea, as it would make the player feel separated from the identical looking npcs that wear...
  4. Crueler Johnny

    What is your Opinion of the depiction of Vegas in Fallout: Nevada? and do you think it fits in the l

    Personally, I think it fits well in the series, despite the fact it was partially conceptualized before new vegas, and uses it's own ideas and the actual New Vegas as a influence clean city and hard rock cafe and the lack of mention of Mister house may be off putting but I think it makes senses...