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  1. FlukeboxHero

    A Solo Fallout RPG Faction/Settlement Table

    I want to have a table so that I don't have to encounter the 727th section of the Brotherhood of Steel. To design this, I'm trying to categorize factions/settlements from FO1, 2, and VB into Species, Origin, Technology, Attitude, and Goal. Species: - Human - Ghoul - Mutant (catch all term) -...
  2. FlukeboxHero

    Fallout: Year Zero advice - Critical Hits and Armor

    I'm working on a Fallout System based on the Year Zero Engine (YZE). Players roll a pool of d6's, and 6 counts as a success. The main tension of the system comes to whether or not to re-roll dice I have two areas that I'm struggling to convert from Fallout. 1) Critical Hits: In the YZE games...
  3. FlukeboxHero

    V.A.U.L.T. - An Alternative to SPECIAL

    I was working on a Fallout Hack for the Year Zero Engine (YZE) SRD which only has 4 attributes, Strength, Agility, Wits, and Empathy. Wanting to merge this idea with Fallout, I tweaked SPECIAL to fit this in the following ways: V = Vigor, a combination of Strength and Endurance A = Agility...
  4. FlukeboxHero

    Liberty Prime - The Fallout Numidium

    In the Elder Scrolls 2: Daggerfall, the player is tasked with finding a component to activate an massive automaton (Numidium) which was built by a civilization that no longer exists (Dwemer). The automaton has the power to reshape the world politically. There are several powerful individuals or...