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  1. Ozrat

    What would Jesus buy?

    Another Black Friday has come and gone. Other folks such as myself participated in Buy Nothing Day instead. I think that these following two videos are both excellent discourses on today's Christmas season, and maybe the most intelligent segments ever aired on Fox News. Here is a segment...
  2. Ozrat

    Tea Parties and Obamacare

    Surprised that there apparently hasn't been any discussion about the so-called Tea Parties that have been taking the USA by storm. Sorry if I missed anything that has already been posted on this subject. Basically there is an uprising of concerned citizens that are protesting all around the...
  3. Ozrat

    Voting against terrorism I will not be voting for Penguin-Catwoman.
  4. Ozrat

    US Troops Deployed on Home Soil

    There's a lot happening these days... I just became aware that a brigade of US troops was deployed here on home soil on October 1st. The first deployment of its kinds since the Civil War. These troops are directly controlled by the President... not Congress. The army's version of the...
  5. Ozrat

    RNC Welcoming Committee

    NRC Welcoming Committee We're Getting ready! RNC Welcoming Committee trailer RNC Welcoming Committe & iWitness raid/arrest News Clips Police raids enrage activists, alarm others Several thousand...
  6. Ozrat

    What is your 'American Dream'?

    In 2007 I went to Burning Man on a Green Man dream in barter for my participation in open source education, to tell others about a mud mix called cob. I still carry my Gift ticket stub everywhere along my path to remind myself that right here right now is a living dream, to sate my nomadic...
  7. Ozrat

    Eclipsing Man I wonder if Paul Addis saw me as he climbed up the Man to set him on fire early Tuesday morning? I was in the Green Man Pavilion down below when it happened. I didn't see him. I had just met Katrina Kachina, a major...
  8. Ozrat

    Pre-Post-Apoc Techs

    " Dangerous Laboratories is a multi-dollar firm located in the Rocky Mountains. We specialize in do-it-yourself scientific, industrial, and alternative energy projects." Remember now, Homeland Security is renewable energy! Get your tinker on and be the first on your block to get off the...
  9. Ozrat

    Monument to Pro-Life: The Birth of Sean Preston

    Daniel Edwards Monument to Pro-Life: The Birth of Sean Preston Show Dates - April 7 through April 23 Opening night reception with the artist: Friday, April 7th 6-9pm Capla Kesting Fine Art is located at: 121 Roebling St, 7-8 - Brooklyn, NY 11211 phone: 917-650-3760 Bedford...
  10. Ozrat

    Dick Cheney shoots a lawyer

    Whoah, Dick Cheney must be badass. America, fuck yeah! _______ Cheney Shoots Lawyer By NEDRA PICKLER, AP Attorney Harry Whittington was behind Dick Cheney when the vice president turned while aiming at a covey of birds and fired. WASHINGTON (Feb. 12)AP/KRT - Vice President Dick...
  11. Ozrat

    UCC 1-207: How To Free Yourself From Legal Tyranny

    UCC 1-207: How To Free Yourself From Legal Tyranny I'm not too familiar with what this is, but apparently it gives people the power to put themselves above the power of laws in the United States. Is there anybody here that can put this stuff into laymen terms for easier discussion? welsh?
  12. Ozrat

    Revolting the Deaf

    Here's an interesting story of how a sign language interpretor influenced the Ukranian elections. I wonder if there have been any other secret messages being conveyed by TV interpretors for governmental functions... *watches more politics* Reminds me of the Navaho radio operators during...
  13. Ozrat

    Goat meat buys crack I wonder how much I can get for my roommate's hamster...
  14. Ozrat

    Lake Superior Sunset

    During winter break in Wisconsin I went to a nearby port city on Lake Superior and watched the sunset from the marina with a friend. The photograph is not PA in any way, and does not have a level horizon, but I thought maybe the industrial imagery would be appreciated in here.
  15. Ozrat

    U.S. Scientists Say They Are Told to Alter Findings

    THE NATION U.S. Scientists Say They Are Told to Alter Findings More than 200 Fish and Wildlife researchers cite cases where conclusions were reversed to weaken protections and favor business, a survey finds. By Julie Cart, Times Staff Writer More than 200 scientists employed by the...
  16. Ozrat

    University of Nigeria

    University of Nigera Has anybody ever noticed how so many e-mail bank scams seem to come from Nigerian royalty? Take a glance at their course descriptions. Also:
  17. Ozrat

    Canadians assisting Americans to flee Bush If the year-long wait seems to be a bit too long for you, there's hope!
  18. Ozrat

    Bohemian Rhapsody - The Elections Version

    Damn good, if I do say so myself.
  19. Ozrat

    Deaf Lesbians Criticized For Efforts to Create Deaf Child

    This is actually two years old, but I don't think that its ever been discussed here before, so why not now? Should people be able to arrange their sperm donations in order to create a child with a similar background? Should they know the backgrounds of their donors at all? Is culture a...
  20. Ozrat

    Jon Stewart on Crossfire

    Who else wishes he had those cajones? :shock: This is by far the best thing I've ever watched on Crossfire. Stewart brings up a point that is often realized but not usually discussed in such a medium like that. I only wish that I could've watched it live. Who else applauds him?