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  1. Ugly John

    4 years-ish

    Wow! i just noticed that it took almost four years since i stopped posting regularly for me to get to position 51 (also known as the second page) in the total post category. I'm guess i'm getting old and almost forgotten. btw: hey guys!
  2. Ugly John


    hi guys...long time no see just tought i`d mention pip boy on display on
  3. Ugly John

    Favorite movie lines

    I saw this in one of my wife's magazine. "what's your favorite movie line of all time?" my personnal favorite : "She wasn't kissing your face, my love!" Persephone to the Merovingian in Matrix Reloaded, after she mentionned the lipstick he was still wearing. close second again...
  4. Ugly John

    The wastelands

    I should have done this a long time ago. I've had a blast in the last 6 years here at NMA, years that saw the birth of my youngest son, 9/11 and deaths of family and friends, you guys have been there for me and i want to thank you all, but now it's time for me to leave ranger center and step...
  5. Ugly John

    Maniac Mansion deluze - special Edison now in 256 colors they are also working on Labyrinth deluxe more later after i've played
  6. Ugly John

    Glass tasting

    I juts got back from a wonderfull experience.... a wine glass tasting. Unlike a wine tasting where you are there to judge the wines, we were there to judge the glasses. well not wuite judge, but rather how to appreciate the right glass for the right wine. i must say this WOW...
  7. Ugly John

    Evil genius

    The SIMS meets Dr Evil. i just played the demo, it's fun. check it out
  8. Ugly John

    Wasteland Contest

    anybody interested in a wasteland contest? If enough people are interested, we set a date, some rules and one week to get to a designated point in the game. either location, rank or find a special marking someplace. what do you say? edit: i'm even looking for a prize of some sort, that...
  9. Ugly John

    The moon?

    Since tommorow (20th of july) will mark the 35th anniversary of our first walk on the moon, let's stir up a debate. Was the first moon walk a fake or was it real? I say it was real.
  10. Ugly John

    Hawking was wrong.

    After 30 years of trying to solve the black hole riddle, Steven Hawking says he's got it now and that he was wrong all along.. edit: better link
  11. Ugly John

    In the beginning...

    In the Beginning was the Command Line An old article i read way back in 1999, someone brought it back to my attention recently. About 50 pages, so i don't know if i can still call that an article.
  12. Ugly John

    police cars

    Which one of these is the coolest Police car? Car # 1 Car #2 Car #3 Car #4
  13. Ugly John


    I friend gave me this game last week, he was going to throw it out. Any of you played it? How big are these maps? so far i played only a couple of hours, it's not so bad.
  14. Ugly John

    EA cover curse

    Perhaps Damien can confirm if they do voodoo at EA. Roy Jones Jr. seems to be the last victim of the Ea sports cover curse, by getting ko'd in the 2nd round. so far getting you face on an EA sport cover will unsure two things: 1) A hefty endorsement check. 2) Near-total career ruin...
  15. Ugly John

    Generic Birthday thread (they ALL go in here)

    General note: birthday threads are against the rules on the NMA forums. To enable you people to still congratulate each other on NMA, here's a generic birthday thread. Post about other posters birthday, or remind people it's yours. On that note, we cue the music. -Kharn <hr> since the...
  16. Ugly John

    How about who's birthday is it today?

    thank you... i'm 31
  17. Ugly John


    kids ... think about it next time
  18. Ugly John

    Please insert a Fallout tactics CD

    out of the blue, when i tried to play this morning i get this message (please insert fallout tactics CD) , i tried all three disks to no avail. wtf? has anyone had that problem before? It was working fine last week
  19. Ugly John

    I am so proud....

    My 7 and a half year son asked me this morning to show him how to play Fallout 2 since i have it in french. He's been intrigued about the game because lately i've been playing tactics alot. When he found out i had FO2 in french, he started playing with my old saved games. Later i'll start his...
  20. Ugly John

    new art

    it's still hot from photoshop