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  1. R

    A Kick To Bethesda Nuts: Roshambo Presents the FanAQ:

    Fan Answered Questions, compiled from the knowledge of people who have been around Fallout and listening to the original developers since BEFORE Fallout 1's release. This is by no means currently complete. Mini-mushroom-clouds from exploding cars? Yeah, I'm wondering about this, too...
  2. R

    Remember this about the human race:

    For there to be an average, half MUST be below average. Anyone else have some other good stupidity videos?
  3. R

    Fallout d20 Tackles Traits!

    Finally, GluttonCreeper unveils something about the ruleset they've been cooking up. (PDF) To stick with the quality standards they have established with their first two "samples", GluttonCreeper has decided to show the last remaining part after fiction newspaper clips and the planned cover...
  4. R

    Somehow, I could believe Jim Henson did this:

    Or had a hand in it when he was in one of his darker moods, which was part inspiration for the darker episodes of some of his shows, notably The Storyteller. An excellent, if mildly eerie movie. This was found in Jackson Publick's LiveJournal, which you should know as the best Venture...
  5. R

    Jon Stewart and the truth is bad for Democracy!

    Bottom clip here. Some more info here. So apparently telling the truth is making people feel a little cynical about how the country is run, about elections, and how choosing between two dumbasses means that our electoral system is flawed. And that is "anti-democracy" to the Snow Blower and...
  6. R

    Filmed evidence of cops shooting minorities in urban US:

    At least they kept him from the big guns... :D "I'm the only one professional enough, in this room that I know of, to carry this Glock 40. I'm the onl- BLAM! Yeah, I'm all right...everyone alright?"
  7. R

    Chef is Dead!

    Well, sort of. Really, it was coming, and it was in the overblown method that Trey and Matt reserve for good Kenny deaths. Since the creators don't care as long as people see the show, and if you were in a region where it was on cable you might have already seen it or will see it tonight on...
  8. R

    Desk Warrior Republicans to fuck over the US Vets, again:

    Nevermind about Social Security, many vets wouldn't even get to see retirement age. Now it seems that the vets are being sold out again, beyond the diminished benefits at VA hospitals around 2000. If you happen to have the following disabilities, the current <s>jackass</s> <s>shithead</s>...
  9. R

    Telescope Pics:

    Having...ah...vented my political spleen for a bit, and frankly I have been wondering about curtailing it save for the fact that we tend to ferret out the truth or at least wave the bullshit flag, AND find some of the most incredible and unbelievable things...I feel the need to share some of the...
  10. R

    Genevawha? (Rant of US "missile assassinations.")

    Multiple impeachments, please. On grounds of terminal stupidity of international law Get the fuck out of office, war crimes apologist. Now THAT is IRONY! Would it be too tasteless to say that I guess he didn't learn anything from the Viet Cong, at least not on a personal level.? Oh...
  11. R

    Lamest Fallout 3 Ideas Ever:

    Please, come up with some of the best ones you have seen! Ranging from guns akimbo a la The Matrix to Night-Vision Goggles that are from 80's popularity, you decide which is the most deserving of the most lame idea ever submitted. This also includes FOOL! As this list will be made for some...
  12. R

    Night of the Living Sam & Max!

    They live...again! More about it here, and the information behind it is quite a blessing. Not only is it primarily the original crew, but Steve Purcell is drawing a comic serial in a fashion that is the only way they could truly do a Sam & Max comic well (and a better job than most...
  13. R

    More Congressional Payoffs:

    Another one busted. Wow...if they have to do a special investigation in order to figure out someone is not only taking bribes, but is also war profiteering, we're going to be here a while as they get a clue about each and every in Congress that is fucking up. I wonder when they'll get a...
  14. R

    Freedom of What?

    What, really, should it take for a Wal-Mart employee to go running to the police?
  15. R

    FIFE Update:

    mvBarracuda reports: New features since the last update: <blockquote> - Added a basic audio framework using SDL_sound & OpenAL - Started working on object loading - Settingsmanager to easily adjust setting with config file - Cycle trough map elevations using the "e"-key - Render not...
  16. R

    Support your troops: Pictures of dead bodies for porn!

    No, nothing to do with grossly violating the Geneva Conventions in this article. I really can't complain too much about these kids pissing all over the Geneva Conventions too much when the investigators can't figure out the difference between "felony" and "violation of international...
  17. R

    The ultimate insane German director is at it again!

    None other than Uwe Boll, the man pissing on two industries as once with his astounding ability to take a game franchise, dumb it down, and make a complete mockery of both cinema and the original intellectual property he devalues by simply having his name attached to it. Let's take a look at...
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    Setting details, from Fallout Tactics' Pissmortem:

    This is not so much an idea mining thread, as it is a setting establishment and a detailed reason for the majority reaction towards the last notable game to have the name Fallout (sorry, Chuck, you're still just a joke to us). This thread is what I like to call the Fallout Tactics Pissmortem...
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    BAWLSerium Beta Testing!

    Too late. It's over, and it only took them over a day to use their usual incompetent method to get 50 people to spam onto their forum. So much for a game that the game industry has been said to be "excited" about.
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    Ultima Dies Again

    To keep up with Japanophilia, Ultima has been assraped yet again by the morons at EA. Now, every white trash ninja l33t little asswipe who doesn't give a shit about the setting can practice their manga Japanese while more of the core role-players find MUDs again or turn towards other sources...