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    Retro style?

    Myself, I'm hoping that they won't make it yet another generic modern post-apocalypse, and will go for an 80s/early 90s retro vibe. Of course, it wasn't retro originally when developed in 1988, but I think it would make sense for it to become retrofuturistic now, but with 1980s/1990s retro...
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    Matt Chat interviews Brian Fargo #2

    About Wasteland and Fallout. <center><embed src=";hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></center>
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    (Bethesda) history is written by the victors

    Bethesda community manager Gstaff rewriting Bethesda history in Wikipedia. This bit added by Chris Weaver to the ZeniMax article was also recently removed:
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    Interplay wins the lawsuit

    ...against TopWare :)
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    Lore inconsistencies

    Even New Vegas has its own inconsistencies with lore established by prevous games. Here's one I've found - Mr. Handy is identified in the REPCONN museum as a RobCo robot, even though it was previously established as a product of General Atomics International.
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    Fallout: New Vegas interviews

    There's honestly no end in sight to this onslaught. Videogaming247 interviews Chris Avellone, including this apparently straight-faced question.<blockquote>The game does look incredible, truth be told. I asked you in the Q&A after the demo if it was running in 60fps. You told me you were aiming...
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    Vault Boy, Pip-Boy or...?

    Remember how everyone called Vault Boy "Pip-Boy", including the devs, until Leon Boyarsky came and said that he's actually Vault Boy, after which we started using the "correct" name, and even Bethesda eventually adopted it? Turns out, the canon name of the character in question was actually...
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    More from NPD: Fallout 3 Add-On Pack #1

    Fallout 3 Add-On Pack #1 (Operation: Anchorage + The Pitt) made the weekly PC toplist, coming in at 10. Fallout Trilogy has fallen out of the top 10 now.
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    Fallout 2 official guide

    Does anyone here have the official Fallout 2 guide by Matt Norton by any chance? If so, please PM me, I'd like to check some stuff from there (as it includes some extra background lore and was written by the FO2 lead designer).
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    What we'd like to see in New Vegas?

    This is a list of some things (both gameplay-wise and lore-wise) that were in previous Fallouts (including Van Buren) and I'd like to see included in Fallout: New Vegas, and that wouldn't be impossible to do even while keeping Fallout 3's overall gameplay system intact. * Traits *...
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    Fallout IRC channel

    Since DAC's #fallout channel has become as much of a mess as DAC itself and doesn't have much to do with Fallout anymore, I set up a brand new #wikia-fallout channel at Freenode:
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    Maxson II

    Hah, I just noticed that a terminal in Fallout 3 mentions the Maxson family, including a "Maxson II". Pretty funny, since "Maxson II" was not his actual name, but simply the name I used in The Vault as the article title about Roger Maxson's son (and John Maxson's father), since there was no...
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    Chris Taylor's desktop

    Chris Taylor made a screenshot of his desktop: Interestingly, among Fallout-related stuff, it has a document titled "Wasteland 2".
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    Remember the Oblivion roleplaying wiki page? Well, guess what someone just created at The Vault?
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    References to Tactics

    While Bethesda initially said they will consider both Fallout Tactics and Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel as non-canon, looks like they changed their mind and eventually decided to consider the story of Fallout Tactics more or less canon where it does not contradict previous Fallouts (the...
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    Bug list at the wiki

    I made a page for listing bugs at The Vault: If people add all known bugs there, it should be more helpful than the countless threads.
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    Fallout expanded universe wiki?

    Do you think it would be a good idea for me to create a "Fallout Expanded Universe" wiki - a sister project for The Vault, where people can post their fan fiction, places and characters they came up with, etc? There have been people posting fan fiction at The Vault already, and I've deleted all...
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    Fallout 3 modding wiki

    While there's no actual Fallout 3 content there yet, I encourage all modders once actual modding starts to help work on FO3 tutorials, references etc. at Vault-Tec Labs, the Fallout modding wiki: We'll also have a database of active projects and available mods...
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    Fallout modding wiki

    I've been thinking about opening another sister project for The Vault at Wikia - a Fallout modding wiki. It would serve as: 1) a place for documentation of Fallout editors (and hopefully the Fallout 3 construction set), Fallout file formats and modding techniques 2) a database of Fallout...
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    AI or not?

    I just noticed a (probable) contradiction in the Fallout Bible timeline: So does it mean that ZAX is not a real AI, that he wasn't a real AI initially but eventually became one through its learning processes, or that someone (Avellone? Freyermuth?) screwed up? He does call himself a...