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  1. 4

    New ZBS Series: A Steam Punk State of Mind

    New ZBS Series: A Steam Punk State of Mind Got an info e-mail this day from ZBS. Appears that the first episode, and maybe a few more will be free ... so enjoy, or not enjoy! If one's world view must be that life's a bitch and then you die, well move on ... you won't be...
  2. 4

    FTC Warns Bloggers: Truth OR Consequences

    FTC Warns Bloggers: Truth OR Consequences Heard this spin around web media with latent conflict of interest issues, on the radio last evening, and again this morning. Googled "bloggers to reveal gifts" and picked the top 2...
  3. 4


    Bigger Picture Bigger Picture Hate? That's a loaded buzz word these days. Mr. Genteel-Meany! Toss if off as casually as any invective ... just like George Bush ... :( ... :) When I heard 8th - 9th graders lampoon the Bush Drum Beat, and elaborate on the broken record school of...
  4. 4

    [BoS writing contest] BOS DC

    BOS DC One: the set up. Assessment In Text Images Lifeboat situation. Not enough room, not enough time, not enough resources. Not enough local cooperation, shift in metaphor, and once again, not enough boots on the ground. Shift in like and as, A Lion...
  5. 4

    Time Sensitive Opportunity: ZBS Podcasts

    Time Sensitive Opportunity: ZBS Podcasts This 2-18-08 starts the come on for free mp3 episodes of ""Ruby 2"". Comic Sci Fi Aural Noir ... If you don't remember the '80's then you might have heard this radio theatre on your local NPR...
  6. 4

    Oblivion: Actual Mileage May Vary

    Oblivion: Actual Mileage May Vary I have no PC hard drive space zeroed or one-d by Bethesda- Zenimax products. No emotional attachments to B - Z products. No fiscal - consumer interests. In terms of what type of RPG is in the box, the allegations of this and other 'bait and...
  7. 4

    Government Run As A Business

    Government Run As A Business ""Treasury Dept. Moves to Avoid Debt Limit"" ABC News: For the past 30 or 40 years conservatives have been whining that government SHOULD be run like a...
  8. 4

    Vivendi Blood In the Water

    Pardon this gamespy Spam page, for it's all about ads, it's all about money, the games (industry) info is an accident for Gamespy. Here's a Yahoo link instead: Warcraft 3...
  9. 4

    Travels With Tandi

    Travels With Tandi Over the last few months, have been dabbling in FO for PC and Mac. One object of attention, has been keeping Tandi in the group as long as possible. Similar problems as keeping Dogmeat. And more. Can't park her in an elevator or behind a door. Millitary Base takes a...