Search results

  1. M

    Video card advice needed

    Long story short; I have a motherboard with an AGP slot, and I have no interest in upgrading my MB or CPU at this time. I was looking around and notice that there are still Geforce 7900/7950 cards being made for AGP. I currently have a 6600GT card - would it be worthwhile to upgrade it to a...
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    God's Existence To Be Proven!!!!

    Since we're below our quota of religion discussions at the moment....
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    Night Watch

    I liked the demo so much that I decided that playing it was worth subjecting my poor computer to the unholy abomination that is Starforce. It's pretty fun so far; it basically plays like Silent Storm with the "Night Watch" world superimposed on it, but for me that's perfect. After all, the SS...
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    Going to Turkey

    Two of my friends recently got married, and since one of them is Turkish they're going to have a "proper" ceremony there so that all her relatives can attend (Istanbul, btw). I'm going to be there for a week so I'm looking for some suggestions. What should I make sure to see or do while I'm...
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    Someone explain Diablo II to me

    Diablo II is still huge after all these years. I try to read threads on it, and they are so jargon filled that I can't follow what's going on. I've looked through gamefaqs, and found dozens of character set-up guides, item guides, but still no real explanation for why the game is still so huge...
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    Why Catholicism, despite its flaws, is aces in my book I guess this is kind of old news in a way, but for someone areligious like myself this is an amazing thing to read and makes me rethink my position on religions in general. If only this kind of sanity were more prevalent in other...
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    V For Vendetta out this week!

    The Vault Dweller suggested I make a thread about this a few weeks ago, and since the movie is coming out this week I thought it was about time I got around to it. For those who don't know what it is, here is a brief (and badly written!) description from Wikipedia: Rotten Tomatoes: 77%...
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    Top 5 Gaming Companies

    A little twist on the "Top Ten Games" topic, and one that's a little more difficult to do - what are your top 5 gaming companies? Doesn't matter if they are developers, publishers or a combination of the two. Here's mine: 1) Interplay. They went to shit after the turn of the century, but they...
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    What way do you find best to create a mod?

    I've decided to try making a mod again, and while I was trying to plan it all out I started wondering what methods or procedures other people use when creating theirs, and if there were any "best" way to go about it. So, what do you guys do? Do you have a set procedure that you follow...
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    "The Wastelander" - post-apocalypse humor Pretty funny "internet tv" show set in what appears to be a post-apocalypse world. The humor might not be everyone's cup of tea but it's definitely worth a watch. If you're at all familiar with late 70's/early 80's music check out "Yacht...
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    This forum is starting to contain an absurd amount of threads that were thrown in the vats because people did not read the stickied threads or perform a simple search. We leave these "Moved" threads here in the hopes that people will learn what not to do, but apparently it's not working. So...
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    New windows virus, please read Long story short, update your anti-virus software, if possible set it to scan constantly, and run a full scan on your system - make sure to set it to scan ALL files, since this thing has already been found in .gif files, which anti-virus scanners will...
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    Neuro Hunter

    Just spotted this on another forum, it's a german action-rpg which is based on Neuromancer and cyberpunk and claims to combine the best of Deus Ex, MacGuyver and System Shock. (MacGuyver aside, that's a pretty bold claim and I don't see how any game could really live up to it). Anyway, they...
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    Do US presidents/governors have too much power?

    I suppose this thought has always been in the back of my mind, but recently I've been thinking about it more and more. In Massachusetts, the state senate is close to passing a bill that would allow the sale of syringes over the counter; the purpose of this, for those who don't know, is to help...
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    Urban Dead

    Anyone else playing this? I just started up two characters today, and while it's maddening waiting hours before you can do anything again I can already tell that I'll be sticking with it for awhile. For those who don't know, Urban Dead is a browser-based MMORPG set in a city that has been...
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    The media doesn't even care anymore

    So the past few days I've been seeing and hearing "Redheads more prone to skin cancer" everywhere, in newspapers, on television, on the radio. Being a red head, my first impulse is naturally to pay attention. My second impulse is to write an op ed piece entitled "No crap, you morons" - since...
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    Odin, you might want to think about moving.....
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    How do you define "RPG"?

    There are a tons of games out there that call themselves or are classified as "RPG's". However, the gameplay varies wildly from one to another - with some seeming to have no more in common with each other than the fact that they've been classified as being in the same genre. Since games of a...
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    Gamespot on Troika closing rumors

    Gamespot has posted an article on the rumors surrounding Troika of their imminent closing. While most of the info in the article will be familiar to the posters at NMA, they do have more to add: <blockquote>When presented with the Mandrew posts, Boyarsky did not deny their authenticity. "We...
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    F! True Company Story: Troika Games

    Troika Games, one of our favorite developers, was profiled at FileFront today in a feature they call "F! True Company Story". The article is fairly short but does contain some photos of Troika's developers and office, as well as this cliffhanger ending: <blockquote>But then again, this is a...