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  1. Dove

    Dirt cheap video cards

    8600 gts 8800 gts 2600 xt 2900 xt Which one should I get to replace a burned out X1300. Not opening boxes to put in teh good stuff in this hp. All of them well under $100, which would perform the best for the price.
  2. Dove

    Alone in the Dark (teh Dove's review)

    Bad press is all I've heard about it. Dauntless I proceed with torturing myself to gain my own opinion. First off. My PC is below the minimum specs, but I managed to get it to play with a few tweaks I've found. The most notable was increasing the processing priority to high, since my single...
  3. Dove

    Hey kids, upgrade questions

    This is going to be my first foray into massive system upgrades since upgrading from x386 to x486. I currently have an AMD Athlon 3500 939 socket, and I can't get a definite answer from anywhere. Will an AM2 socket processor work, and will it be efficient enough? If it is not, I need...
  4. Dove


    Stuck on a kick playing old NES games. Ahh the memories.
  5. Dove

    SWAT 4

    I forgot how fucking awesome this game is! I recently acquired the Stetchkov Syndicate expansion and am hooked once again.
  6. Dove

    The Longest Journey

    So, yeah. Been playing them both. Fantastic games. Not so good if you want to blow shit up, but fun and engrossing if you let them be.
  7. Dove

    Sniper Elite?

    Anybody wanna set up some online games? *cross post from tO*
  8. Dove

    Got a new computer

    That can actually play games now. What good ones did I miss?
  9. Dove

    Metal Gear Solid 4 Holy moly!
  10. Dove

    Classic Sierra Online adventure games.

    So. I've been playing a lot of them lately, how about you guys? Space Quest 1 VGA Police Quest 1 VGA, 2, and 3 Laura Bow Dagger of Amon Ra Dosbox, and MYSTARY website really kick ass, and are giving me a major nostalgia trip.
  11. Dove

    Gran Turismo 4

    It's got Volkswagens. Seeya in a while...
  12. Dove

    Difficulty levels in FO vs FO2

    I haven't ever played both games one after another, and noticed the difficulty of FO2 is much higher than FO1, at least in the beginning. I had no problems playing FO1 beginning to end, only died a couple times due to lucky, critical shots. Then using basically the same character, with the...
  13. Dove

    I thought it was a joke at first, but Johnny's dead.,0,3459968.story?coll=la-home-headlines Sad day.
  14. Dove

    Some people were asking for this.

    Ebay item, with shipping to worldwide locations. Have at it guys. I've done my good deed for Fallout fans today by finding it.
  15. Dove

    Metal Gear Solid 3 demo from OPM

    Gonna play it soon, more details to follow... I think, I dunno, I really like metal gear, so I may be busy for a while.
  16. Dove

    Don't trust a flash movie too much. Just check it out and think for yourselves.
  17. Dove

    Rick James R.I.P. (copied from tO)

    I thought I was going to be way late in posting anything about this. Apparently he died in his sleep Friday morning. He will be missed. If there's already a thread here about this, I apologize. I didn't see one.
  18. Dove

    Rise of Nations: Thrones and Patriots?

    Anybody playing this right now? I just got a copy and will be playing it sometime this weekend. Comments, and criticisms welcome. I want to know if it's worth my time.
  19. Dove

    How evil are you? Muhaha. I can't wait to play this game, it looks like a weird mix of sims style games. Except you play as a evil person, bent on taking over the world. Muhahahahaha.
  20. Dove

    Read Dead Revolver resurrected

    Rock Star Games has picked up the license to release "Red Dead Revolver". Was cancelled by Capcom, now being released by Rock Star :? Not really their style of game I think, but I was looking forward to this game, and I'm glad somebody is going to be releasing it. News. Screenshots and...