Search results

  1. Tagaziel

    Fallout 4 achievements and trophies available

    The Vault has has just processed a list of achievements for Fallout 4 originally posted on exophase. A brief analysis of the images and achievements has... Interesting conclusions: The Brotherhood of Steel and the Minutemen are joinable factions. You can apparently betray the Brotherhood of...
  2. Tagaziel

    The Vault Lore Competition: Submit Your Theory Today, Win a Prize Tomorrow. Maybe.

    In the run-up to Fallout 4's release a month and a half from now, The Vault is hosting a lore competition, pitting articles that explore different aspects of the setting against each other. Ever wanted to explore ghoul sex life in detail and theorize as to how it actually works? Or perhaps you...
  3. Tagaziel

    The Vault and Fallout 4 at Gamescom

    The Vault has visited Gamescom and seen what there is to see there - that is, not particularly much. Bethesda's presence was limited and the offerings slim, but there are things to be learned from the pre-recorded video shown to press and mere attendees alike. The bulk of it is combat. Here's a...
  4. Tagaziel

    Crimea hits IndieGogo

    Crimea, a Polish indie RPG, has just hit IndieGogo in a bid to secure funding for the further development of the project. The current goal is $37,500 in 40 days. What makes Crimea interesting? Unlike most other projects, the game is already being developed and is in a fairly advanced state: A...
  5. Tagaziel

    Angry Men Gang Patches

    So, Wasteland 2 got me thinking. Would anyone be interested in getting a set of sew-on patches for Angry Men? Complete with name tags and position (Admin, Moderator, Furious User)? I'm browsing the options for patches and it could be a cool little thing.
  6. Tagaziel

    Upgrading (NEED INPUT ASAP)

    Hey guys, I need your input on the following upgrade elements. Will this work together? I kind of need verification yuesterday: Intel Core i5 3350P 3,10 GHz BOX trzeciej generacji Core I5 (S1155) Kopiuj do schowka »X Usuń z koszyka 648,70 zł 648,70 zł 2. MSI H61M-P20 (G3) MSI...
  7. Tagaziel

    No Fallout 4 at GamesCom

    Crushing the dreams of fans of Fallout 3 around the world, Pete Hines tweeted that Fallout 4 is not going to be seen at GamesCom: @DCDeacon So Bethesda are on a list for Gamescon, apparently its an action-adventure RPG. I wonder what it could be? Pete Hines @DCDeacon @Michael_F1967 the evil...
  8. Tagaziel

    Sheltered - Post-nuclear survival meets FTL

    Sheltered is a post-apocalyptic roguelike with a twist, currently seeking funding on Kickstarter. As the blurb puts it: Family comes first. Protect your family after the nuclear aftermath in an underground shelter in this strategy survival game. Sheltered is a strategy game where you're...
  9. Tagaziel

    Linux input bugs (Linux Mint 16 + XFCE Desktop)

    Hey guys, hope you can help me rectify this issue. Basically, I've replaced my old Windows XP Home Edition ( ) with Linux Mint 16. Performance woes that occasionally emerge aside, I've encountered a silly bug ever since I connected Kindle yesterday. I'm using an old Toshiba Satellite A110 and...
  10. Tagaziel

    Blade Runner 2 wat
  11. Tagaziel

    Russian-Ukrainian war

    Euromaidan succeeded. But now it looks Crimea might become a flashpoint. C/p from another forum by me: Armed, uniformed men who seized transportation and government centers in Crimea? There are also reports of military...
  12. Tagaziel

    Bethesda files for European Fallout 4 trademark

    As The Vault reports, Bethesda has filed for Fallout 4 trademarks with the European Office for the Harmonization of the Internal Market. The filing shares Nice classes 9 and 41 with the filing for Fallout: New Vegas, which was made about four months before the teaser trailer was published...
  13. Tagaziel

    Erratic Internet connection

    Today I have witnessed crazy. My computer suddenly started behaving erratically with its Internet. I'm only able to access Google and Facebook reliably, with other websites consistently refusing to load most of the time, loading only during windows lasting a few minutes. It's driving me nuts...
  14. Tagaziel

    Good German Internet bank?

    Anyone can tell me which German bank would be good to choose? I have to switch PayPal accounts (because bureaucracy) and I have to get an account here. I don't want a physical one, just an Internet bank with a VISA debit card. Trouble is, there is plenty of offers, but I have trouble getting...
  15. Tagaziel

    Invaded States of America

    Given that this is a pretty common trope in alternate history fiction, I've been wondering: in practical terms, how would one go about invading the United States and maintaining control of such a vast nation? Is that even possible? I'll post my thoughts, but first, I'd like to get to know...
  16. Tagaziel

    Policeman shoots victim under dodgy circumstances This time, it's a poor black football player that was in a nasty car accident, was taken for an armed robber by the first house he came to, then got gunned down because he "charged" the white policemen. Bullshit incoming.
  17. Tagaziel

    Metal Gear Solid V: The Visible Boob

    I could start the thread with something meaningful. But: Kojima really thinks highly of himself, don't you think?
  18. Tagaziel

    J.E. Sawyer on Real World Knowledge and Game Design

    J.E. Sawyer has recently posted another video, explaining how real world knowledge factors into game design. In short: it does. <center></center> If you can't watch the video, The Vault has prepared a complete transcript. Here's a...
  19. Tagaziel

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.2 is Live

    This is it, the big one. After 3 years of intense work, killap the Bear Dude has released the final version of the Restoration Project, bringing Fallout 2 closer to the original vision by reimplementing scores of features that did not make the cut all the way back in 1998. However, don't take it...
  20. Tagaziel

    Three Dog is Not Returning (For the Time Being)

    Erik Todd Dellums recently tweeted that the game he is providing voice work for is not made by Bethesda. That means the GNR DJ will not be returning in Fallout 4 (for now; this may still change). Spotted at The Vault.