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  1. R

    First Half-Life 3 image leaked!!

    Check out those polygons!
  2. R

    Nuka Cola poster

    Yesterday i decided to take a shot at doing some Photoshop work involving Fallout. I decided to use some vintage elements and cook up a poster advertising Nuka-Cola. I've already uploaded the image to NMA, but until it's available, here is a link to it: Nuka-Cola poster.
  3. R

    Fanout :: Press Release 08/10/04

    For immediate distribution. Howdy, and welcome to Fanout's first ever monthly press release. While I intended to have a scheduled flow on information to the public, I suppose I can credit Mutants Rising nonetheless for the idea of a monthly press release. It is a good idea. A project like...
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    SPECIAL and Realtime

    Even with the prospect of Fallout 3 still not being in development (or being in the very beginnings), i thought i'd create a thread discussing the reasons why SPECIAL wouldn't work very well under realtime. Honestly, i know very few instances where it causes inconveniences or problems; i do not...
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    The Misadventures of Hello Cthulhu

    Cthulhu meets Hello Kitty.
  6. R

    @Johns Volition...

    Stop using that avatar, you're making me hungry :look:
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    Those times when you want to punch someone

    Like when they say something ridiculous, then someone says they're wrong and tells them why, then they don't care and go berserk, etc? Does it get worse than this?
  8. R

    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

    And now for something totally unexpected. I'd just like to take some time off and say that I'm wishing everyone on these boards a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I'm new here and don't really know anyone (except one or two people, and even then i don't know them at all), but here's an...