Search results

  1. P

    Star Citizen: The Space Sim you've been waiting for

    Chris Roberts (AKA 'That guy who worked on Freelancer and Wing Commander') has surpassed Peter Molyneux in ambition with the announcement of his new game, Star Citizen. <iframe src=";byline=0" width="550" height="375" frameborder="0"></iframe>...
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    Google and Verizon vs The Internet

    There is some serious shit going down right now with Google and Verizon. I recommend you read one of the articles below , but here's a quick snippet from the first: Link1 Link2 Link3 I'm not surprised in the least that Verizon is part of this shady deal, or even that Google has...
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    Gabe Newell talks about Piracy and Steam (Video)

    If only he could get the other big publishers (I'm looking at you, EA) to see the light and provide a quality product without treating the legit customers like criminals.
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    Crackling/popping music on the pipboy radio? Fix inside.

    Install this codec pack, and it should fix you up nicely.
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    *sigh* NPC level scaling

    Was hoping this nasty little "feature" wouldn't make it into the game, but it's here alright. At level two I passed under the bridge near the vault and was assaulted by molerats. They were easily dispatched with two shots to the face (no crits). At level three I passed under the same...
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    Gamers Rejoice! Jack Thompson is DISBARRED

    And the followup: Cut out a lot of the legal jargon. Full articles here: link 1 link 2 Now if only they could ban Uwe Boll from making movies...
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    Microsoft VP: Nintendo > Microsoft > Sony

    Good stuff, but I wonder what the standings are between ms and sony when you factor in the handhelds.
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    Lost your CD? Download your Blizzard games for free

    I'm sure some of you have noticed, but you can now register your cd keys to an account here and have the games available to download whenever you need them. This is convenient as I've long since lost my SC/BW and WC3/TFT cds; but not the cases. Took me less than 30 minutes to register an...
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    Fallout/2 broken on Vista?

    Fired up F1/2 for the first time on this rig, had installed TeamX's F1 patches and Killap's F2 patch/restoration pack. Went to create a character and noticed some odd mouse lag when the age/name tabs had been selected so I attempted to alt tab (failed), windows key (failed) and finally CAD...
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    Atari sues to suppress bad reviews

    MegaGames Kotaku NGOHQ Slashdot Big publishers manipulating reviews to spur sales of trashy games isn't anything new, but filing a lawsuit under the guise that the site in question reviewed a pirated copy (most likely one that was pulled early from a retail outlet before the game...
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    Saw 2 is coming! Doesn't look as good as the first one, but sequels rarely are. Err.. Discuss! *edit* To get into the UNRATED site without that annoying government ID check thing, just change to...
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    Random FPS Stuttering Issue **FIXED**

    After popping in my ATi X800 XL, I installed Battlefield: Vietnam (already owned it, but my GeForce 5200 FX couldent handle it in the lowest res for higher then 20 fps). With max settings/lighting/1280x1024 res, I was getting between 120-300 FPS (300 when not alot was going on, 120 when...
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    What are your current/dream Video Cards?

    Post your current video card, and the video card you want the most! Current ATi X800 XL Dream 2x ATI X850 Ultras $399.99 each ( A tad expensive :x )
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    Lasers projectile question

    Have you ever noticed how in 99% of games (and movies) that have laser weapons , the weapon shoots a sort of "laser bullet" projectile? How is that possible? If you have ever shined a laser at something, even for a split second, you will notice that it goes pretty much INSTANTLY from point a to...
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    Silent weapons question

    Is it possible to flag certain guns as "silent" when they fire, so that it would not "detect" you to other npcs? *Edit* Heh, shit. I just noticed I posted in the wrong forum! Still getting used to the rearranged site... :roll:
  16. P

    Fallout Paint 2.0!

    Heh, im back with my crappy mspaint drawings! This is the vault dweller sneaking up on a super mutie.
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    Counter-Strike : Live Action

    Probably the most I have laughed in months. Here is the info straight from fileplanet. Get it here. P.S. - I haven't been here in about a year, but im pretty sure this hasn't been posted before... P.P.S. - Dont dismiss this as "Counter-Crap" without watching it!
  18. P

    Download System Shock 2! **NOT WAREZ**

    Was just browsing and I noticed that they finally put system shock 2 up for download! Heres the review... You can download it here. They even have wasteland! I recommend playing both of them if you havent already.
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    Looking for a good defragger

    Im trying to find a good disk defragger, RAM defragger, registry defragger. There is way too many on google and i dont know which ones are trash so I have queried you guys! Help me out!
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    Ooh, another political post!

    ::Updated:: Since the previous thing was boring and nonsensical heres something a bit better and since it involves gays and politics im sure jebus will be interested. DISCUSS!!!