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  1. P

    C.A. does P.A.

    Apparently C.A. did an article for Penny Arcade. It's not terribly interesting, I'm just curious as what game or whatever he is refering to by this: "and the upcoming I Wish the RPG Market Was Like It Was When Fallout 1 Came Out 2." Anyone know?
  2. P

    Our kids are fucking pansies. I swear seeing things like this makes me mourn for america's kids. Great, no soccer, tetherball, basketball, nothing. God forbid. Sports = pain. Kids can't get hurt, hell no, it goes against every rule of childhood. It's no...
  3. P

    Suggestion thoughts now that you've seen the engine.

    How I see it, it's already been stated that Fallout 3 will use the Oblivion engine by Pete "y'know" Hines, so we're royally screwed UNLESS some major changes are made to it. Changes such as: Click-move interface - No fucking W A S D bullshit. I want usage icons, click to move, maybe...